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Oct 04, 2003
After losing her parents, Kanako moves in with her grandmother in a town by the sea.


Jan 01, 1989
A man on his way home from a wedding. When he wakes up drunk, he finds himself in a park in the early morning. As he wanders the city in the early morning, he meets a girl on a mountain bike and is suddenly chased by the police instead of the girl. The camera, which had been following the lazy, fresh morning air, turns around and starts running away with the man. The police chase him relentlessly. As he struggles to outrun his pursuers, he finds himself becoming increasingly elated. As he runs, he finds himself becoming more and more elated, as if it is the start of a journey away from the boredom of everyday life. The camera work is superb, eloquently capturing the man running with all his might.
Aircraft carrier Ibuki
Dans la partie la plus méridionale du Japon, vingt bateaux de pêche de nationalité inconnue occupent des parties de l'archipel Hateruma. Des membres des garde-côtes japonais sont arrêtés. Dans une situation extrêmement tendue, le gouvernement japonais envoie le porte-avions Ibuki et une flotte d'escortes dans la région. Ryota Akitsu est le capitaine du porte-avions Ibuki et Toshiya Niinami est le commandant en second.


Mar 13, 2007
A new season of the acclaimed series finishes with these twenty sensational shorts capturing the essence of psychological terror with chilling visuals.


Sep 27, 2024
Ryosuke Yoshii, an ordinary reseller, carelessly earns grudges by people and becomes entangled in a life-threatening struggle.


Sep 30, 2009
Dans cette représentation théâtrale filmée pour le grand écran, un innocent cherche à se venger après s'être évadé de la prison où il a été retenu pendant dix ans.


Jan 09, 2016
Popular actor Rengo Shiraki dies suddenly. Due to his sudden death, unpopular actor Daiki Kawata attracts the spotlight due to his close friendship with Rengo. Did Rengo Shiraki commit suicide or was he murdered?
Vers l'autre rive

Vers l'autre rive

Sep 30, 2015
Au cœur du Japon, Yusuke convie sa compagne Mizuki à un périple à travers les villages et les rizières. A la rencontre de ceux qu'il a croisés sur sa route depuis ces trois dernières années, depuis ce moment où il s'est noyé en mer, depuis ce jour où il est mort. Pourquoi être revenu ?
Onodera Yuriko sets off for Sweden where her husband, Major General Onodera Makoto, is stationed as a military attache in Stockholm during World War II. Called the "god of intelligence", Makoto is an intelligence officer of the Russian service of the Japanese Army General Staff. Fluent in Russian and German and trusted by the spies of many countries because of his integrity, his office would eventually become the most important Japanese intelligence post in Europe. From the day of her arrival in Stockholm, Yuriko helps her husband's intelligence activities. She encrypts the highly classified information obtained by Makoto and sends it in coded telegrams to the General Staff Headquarters in Japan every day. Husband and wife have jointly undertaken this intelligence work for confidentiality.


Nov 11, 2017
Pourquoi tout le monde change-t-il soudainement de comportement ? Etsuko est-elle la seule à se rendre compte que son amie, son patron, son mari ne sont plus tout à fait les mêmes ? Peu à peu, elle réalise que les humains sont en train de perdre leurs émotions...
Science Fiction


Jun 02, 1995
Évocation du destin de Sharaku, peintre d'estampes de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, qui se rendit célèbre en quelques mois par ses portraits hyperréalistes d'acteurs du théâtre kabuki. Il disparut quelques années plus tard dans des conditions restées mystérieuses.
Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle
Fin 1944. Le Japon est en train de perdre la guerre. Sur ordre du mystérieux Major Taniguchi, le jeune Hiroo Onoda est envoyé sur une île des Philippines juste avant le débarquement américain. La poignée de soldats qu'il entraîne dans la jungle découvre bientôt la doctrine inconnue qui va les lier à cet homme : la Guerre Secrète. Pour l'Empire, la guerre est sur le point de finir. Pour Onoda, elle s'achèvera 10 000 nuits plus tard.
Matsumoto Shouen became a buddhist monk after being unable to save his friend that was drowning right in front of him as a child and also became a doctor. While also engaging in saving people at the hospital, he works as a monk and offers care to the terminally ill. Sometimes, his monk robes cause a commotion as patients misunderstand that they are already dead. In addition, his chanting is disliked not only be patients but by his fellow colleagues. Despite that, he works brightly and seriously as a monk and as a doctor.


Dec 20, 2014
Bartender Junpei Hamamoto witnesses a hit-and-run incident, and knows the person arrested for that incident is not the person he saw driving. He believes the person responsible is world famous cellist Keiji Minato and his older brother has taken the rap for him. Junpei and his friend Tomoki decide to blackmail Keiji, but they are blocked by his manager Yuko.
Garasu no Ashi

Garasu no Ashi

Mar 14, 2015
Setsuko Koda est mariée à Kiichiro qui dirige un hôtel. Il y a une grande différence d'âge entre eux. Son hobby est d'écrire des poèmes. Elle a publié son propre recueil de poèmes "Garasu no Ashi" sur la suggestion de son mari. Un après-midi, Setsuko Koda est au lit avec Masahiro Sawaki. Ils ont une liaison. La police la contacte et l'informe que son mari a eu un accident de voiture. Setsuko Koda va à l'hôpital. Le médecin l'informe que Kiichiro a de graves lésions cérébrales et qu'il ne vivra plus longtemps. .


May 17, 2021
In the end of Meiji era, Takei Chiyo was born in a poor family in Osaka, and was sent to a theatre tea room as a servant when she was 9 years old. There, she was attracted by the world of theatre comedy. She grows up to be an actor and marries to Amami Ippei , but the war broke out and she was forced to stay away from acting for a while. However, when she comes back again, her acting in a radio drama impresses many people and makes herself one of the leading actors in western Japan.


Sep 14, 2018
Freelance programmer Sakagami is paralyzed in the lower half of his body and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in partnership with a law firm established by his late father. At the request of clients, Sakagami works together with a freelance jack-of-all-trades Mashiba to delete all unfavorable digital records of their clients left in their computers and smartphones after they die. They are not supposed to see inside the files but when they feel something strange in the client’s death, they cannot help getting involved.


Dec 20, 2024
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.


Dec 17, 2023
The drama series depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616). Takechiyo (who later becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu) was born as the son of a poor and powerless daimyo. Takechiyo lost his father during a war. He grew up lonely and away from his mother. Takechiyo didn't have a clue about what his future would hold. He then has a dramatic meeting with the young Oda Nobunaga.


Nov 27, 2020
NHK's 102nd morning drama depicts the life of a famous composer. Koyama Yuichi with his wife Oto. They meet each other through music and overcome hardships together. Yuichi composes songs that became "Yells" for people all over Japan in the Showa Era (1926-1989) in which radical changes were going on. 
Aku no Hadou

Aku no Hadou

Nov 03, 2019
En 2014, une série de meurtres de femmes a lieu à Kawasaki City. Toutes les victimes ont été tuées comme si elles avaient été pendues et ces meurtres sont surnommés les "meurtres par pendaison" en public. L'enquête de police piétine car aucun indice n'est trouvé sur les scènes de crimes. Cependant, l'inspecteur Iguchi de la première division d'enquête suspecte un homme de tuer pour le plaisir. Il s'agit de Nogi Naoya. Nogi est en fait Yaginuma Masato, la victime dans la sensationnelle affaire de kidnapping de la mère et du fils Akishima. Quel est son véritable motif ?