Sven Taddicken

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Cours, si tu peux

Cours, si tu peux

Jul 28, 2010
De son fauteuil roulant, Benjamin, paraplégique, pose un regard incisif et désespéré sur la vie. Son humour cinglant déstabilise souvent son entourage et notamment ses auxiliaires de vie. Envoyé près de lui dans le cadre de son service civil, Christian prend la vie du bon côté et, lorsqu'il fait la connaissance d'Annika, il n'hésite pas à la présenter à Benjamin. A trois, les jeunes gens s'inventent un monde bien à eux sous le signe de l'imagination et du rêve. Les choses se compliquent quand chacun des garçons réclame davantage que de l'amitié à Annika. Ce qui avait commencé comme une jeu devient vite pour Ben une confrontation avec ses peurs existentielles...
Chemin de croix

Chemin de croix

Mar 20, 2014
Maria est une adolescente de 14 ans qui se prépare à faire sa Confirmation. Très pieuse, elle est élevée dans une famille catholique fondamentaliste. Ce qui ne manque pas d'intriguer un camarade d'école. Alors qu'elle se prépare activement à la cérémonie religieuse, elle s'investie de plus en plus dans la foi, se pose des questions sur le sens de son existence et ses défauts comme l'arrogance. De plus en plus mystique, elle ambitionne d'être une sainte. Sa mère a du mal à comprendre ses tourments...
3 pièces, cuisine, bains
A Berlin, Philippe aimerait faire des études de photo. Wiebke recherche un compagnon. Jessica souhaiterait que tout change et Maria que rien ne bouge. Swantje cherche la vérité, Michael ne sait pas ce qu'il veut et Thomas n'a envie de rien. Quand il faut de surcroît changer de lieu de vie, tout se complique. Des couples volent en éclats, d'autres se forment. Et chacun s'aperçoit que déplacer des meubles et des cartons n'est jamais tout à fait anodin. A chaque déménagement, chacun doit reprendre ses marques, s'adapter à une nouvelle vie. C'est l'occasion de comprendre qui sont ceux qui comptent vraiment dans l'entourage...
Heil - Une farce néonazie
Un écrivain métis frappé d'amnésie devient la figure de proue d'un mouvement d'extrême droite... Une farce drôle et déjantée, qui s’attaque dans un même souffle à l’extrême droite, mais aussi à la scène "antifa", aux autorités allemandes, aux médias et au politiquement correct.
1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.
Mein Bruder, der Vampir
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Red Gallion : La Légende du Corsaire Rouge
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Volupté singulière

Volupté singulière

Oct 20, 2016
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Volupté singulière

Volupté singulière

Oct 20, 2016
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Un Merveilleux Couple

Un Merveilleux Couple

Mar 24, 2019
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
Der Masuren-Krimi - Marzanna, Göttin des Todes
One day, the village policeman Leon Pawlak has to record an unusual report. 15-year-old Lucja reports the murder of her therapist. According to her, the crime hasn't even happened yet - but the half-orphan saw it in a dream. Therefore, Dr. Viktoria Wex sees no need for action for the time being. But that all changes when the therapist's dead body is found in a lake...