Hinode Nishikawa

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Rivière de nuit

Rivière de nuit

Sep 12, 1956
À Kyoto, une jeune fabricante de kimonos aux idées traditionnelles se lie avec un professeur marié.
Les derniers samouraïs
A la fin du 19ème siècle, un samourai (Sugi Toranosuke), déchiré entre son dévouement pour un Shogun vieillissant et les conseils de son ancien professeur, entre finalement en guerre pour venger la mort de ce dernier.
Room for Let

Room for Let

Jun 02, 1959
Lorsque Yumiko Tsuyama, potière de profession, vient demander une chambre à louer dans un vieux manoir surplombant Osaka, elle découvre une étrange collection de personnages qui y vivent déjà. Le chef improbable de cette ménagerie est Yoda Goro, qui parle couramment quatre langues, est un expert en chou farci et a écrit des livres pratiques couvrant tous les aspects de l'existence humaine.


May 02, 1964
First movie of the Inu series directed by Tokuzō Tanaka


Mar 03, 1954
A foot soldier from Tottori domain named Shirai Gonpachi showcased exceptional swordsmanship that even surpassed the domain's champion Honjo Sukehichi during a ceremonial match. Though Gonpachi was promised a promotion to samurai status due to his skills, Sukehichi's father Sukezaemon's intervention out of jealousy prevented this. In anger, Gonpachi killed Sukezaemon and, without realizing it, also mistakenly killed Tomoe, his lover's brother Tsushimo Uemon. Following this, he fled to Kyoto, seeking shelter at the "Murasa" inn operated by Uemon's aunt.
傳七捕物帖 女郎蜘蛛
In the town of Izu known for its hot springs, Den Shichi from Kuromon Town sets off for a healing trip with his companion, a bamboo craftsman with a nose like a lion's snout, at a time when the town is under a tight security network due to a nearby gunpowder depot explosion. Staying at Tsuruya, Den Shichi and his group are investigated by officials whose behavior seems somewhat odd. That night, a man looking like a craftsman is murdered, and gunpowder residue is found at the scene, prompting Den Shichi to suspect that something is amiss.
お役者小僧 江戸千両幟
Okazaki Domain samurai Inaba Gotaro accidentally killed a superior while trying to save his beloved geisha, Ko-en. On the run, they were rescued by the actor Nakamura Utaemon, but Ko-en was taken by the Hatamoto, Ono Issai. Gotaro, who fell off a cliff, was saved by the Dutch-trained doctor, Shibarai Ryokai, and his daughter Oume. While traveling to Edo, they met Utaemon in Mishima, who was suffering from a serious eye disease. Ryokai’s treatment saved Utaemon from blindness, and a strong friendship was formed among the three.


Dec 28, 1955
Isshin Tasuke, a friend of Ōkubo Hikozōemon, the esteemed public arbitrator of the realm, saved the maid Onatsu from punishment after she accidentally broke a plate gifted by Lord Ieyasu. Tired of the strict samurai service, Tasuke moved to the Genbei tenements and opened a fish shop. This tenement housed various characters, including the landlord's daughter Osen who had a crush on Tasuke, the midwife Okan, the blind masseur Oyone and her husband, the carpenter-loving couple Yoshigorō and Ohama, the rōnin Takeuchi Yogoemon, and the siblings Ochika and Shin'nosuke who cared for their sick mother.
伝七捕物帖 女狐駕篭
One night in Edo, a mysterious woman in a palanquin appeared at the moneylender Yamashiroya, revealing herself to a beautiful woman. She told the owner, Shigebē, that she had come to collect a life he owed from twenty years ago and then left. The same night, Maruiya Genbē also received a visit from the woman's palanquin, and nearby, a man named Manbē was murdered. The detective Hayanawa Gohē concluded the murder was the work of a fox spirit, but another detective, Den Shichi, skeptical of this theory, noticed footprints on the tatami and decided to investigate further.


Aug 10, 1958
From birth Hideyoshi was a restless, defiant spirit--a child of the poorest of the poor. Cast out of his peasant cottage, he would live by his wits, driven by his burning ambition to become a samurai and to find a warlord worth pledging his sword to. This is the story of his rise, and the thunderous battle he pinned his hopes on. The challenge that had already ruined and bloodied the armies of higher-ranking samurai than Hiyoshi. The battle that brought him rank, fame and fortune and transformed him into Hashiba Hideyoshi, right-hand man to the ruthless Lord Oda Nobunaga, and would drive him on to conquer Japan.
La Guerre des Yokai

La Guerre des Yokai

Dec 01, 1968
Des pilleurs de tombes réveillent par erreur un terrible démon des ruines de Babylone. Ce dernier vole alors vers le Japon où il prend l´apparence d´un haut magistrat, multipliant les actes de vampirisation. Pour tenter d´arrêter le mal, la petite fille du fonctionnaire et un jeune paysan font appel à des Yokais, des fantômes pacifistes mais terrifiants.
Baby Cart Vol.02 : L'Enfant massacre
Devenu tueur à gages, Ittô Ogami est approché par un fief vassal que le shôgunat veut placer sous son autorité directe, sous prétexte de troubles sociaux intérieurs. On lui explique que cette agitation a été provoquée par des espions shôgunaux pour justifier l'intervention du pouvoir central attiré par la richesse du fief : une teinture spéciale au secret de fabrication bien gardé. Pour cinq cents pièces d'or, Ogami doit retrouver et tuer l'artisan teinturier, gardien du secret, que trois mercenaires ont enlevé pour l'amener à Edo. Ce sont les sanguinaires frères Ben, Ten et Rai. Lancé à la poursuite du "trio infernal", Le loup à l'enfant devra, en chemin, se méfier des terribles femmes ninjas aux ordres de la belle Saka Yagyû, chef d'une branche cadette du clan Yagyû de Retsudô…


Feb 20, 1965
Ronin samurai Ibuki-san enters a town and sells his skills to the warring families. He falls in love with the beautiful horse stable owner but like all heroes, cannot stay.


Aug 30, 1969
Set up to be the patsy by a rival gang, Furuta Makoto attacks the yakuza boss he thinks is responsible for his father’s murder. He then learns it was all a plot to take over his father’s turf and he seeks vengeance against the puppet master behind the entire conspiracy. His quest for justice leads him to prison where he must fend off the attack of a master assassin before he can make his escape and go after the true killer!


Sep 30, 1961
Asakichi beats a ganster, Sada, in a physical fight, leading to recognition by Sada's clan boss. When Kotoito, the geisha Asakichi is in love with, is kidnapped by a rival clan and sold to a a house of pleasure, Asakichi and Sada set out to rescue her.
Baby Cart Vol.05 : Le Territoire des démons
Sur la route, le Loup à l'enfant est provoqué en duel à cinq reprises par les meilleurs guerriers du fief Kuroda, chargés de vérifier son invincibilité avant de lui confier une mission cruciale : tuer le moine Jikei qui s'apprête à trahir leur suzerain en remettant au clan Yagyû un document compromettant : Kuroda, amoureux fou de sa concubine et manipulé par elle, a en effet signé un décret interne faisant de leur fille son héritière, au détriment de son fils légitime. Ogami accepte le travail et part à la recherche du moine. Mais le clan Yagyû est prêt à tout pour récupérer le document qui lui permettra, au nom du Shôgun, de démanteler le fief Kuroda et de récupérer ses territoires.
Dojo Challengers, Samurai from Nowhere
Misawa Ihei est rônin maître du style Shindo-Muso, qui a fui son clan et vit modestement dans une auberge parmi des miséreux. Pourchassé, il a besoin d'argent pour passer la frontière et s'échapper du fief. Mais les petits emplois qu'on lui offre n'étant pas suffisant, il se résout à pratiquer le défi de Dojo, qui consiste à défier en duel le senseï d'un dojo contre une forte somme d'argent, pratique honteuse du point de vue d'un samouraï. C'est alors qu'il rencontre Oba Gunjuron un rônin qui pratique aussi le défi de dojo...
伝七捕物帖 美女蝙蝠
The head of Oshu, Harumichi Honma, was ordered by the boat bugyo (Commissioner of the board) Tajima Kuze to extract five gold coins to the Shogun family in Edo, and put it into Ryujin Maru. However, Tajima, who was the chief retainer of the shogunate, said that he was a member of the board, tetsugoro Funabashi, kumiyumi no Kami ichibei, and his son, masakichi, and others, and in the middle of the night, he killed all the members with poison in the night of the storm, threw Masayoshi, who was a fellow of the city, and masakichi, who escaped from the death of poison, into the sea and sank the boat to eliminate evidence.


Jan 22, 1956
Shinzō, the heir of the prominent Edo lumber dealer Yamashiroya, left home when his stubborn father, Chōzaemon, dismissed his lover, the maid Oyasu. Shinzō and Oyasu set up a household near a soba shop in Fukagawa, but Shinzō struggled financially, turning to gambling and fighting, while Oyasu worked as a tea server in a theater, constantly harassed by a small-time gangster, Rikichi, for cigarette money. The only ones concerned about Shinzō and Oyasu were Shinzō’s sister, Omitu, and her dance teacher, Oyoshi. Later, Shinzō managed to get a job at another lumber dealer, but after a conflict with the detective Hansuke, who was also infatuated with Oyasu, Shinzō accidentally dropped lumber into the river and was fired. Unaware that Oyasu had borrowed money from a bar to repay the lumber dealer, Shinzō left to earn money in the Mito clan's crew quarters and ended up rescuing Rikichi from a dice game trouble.