Ann Kiesler

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The Terence Davies Trilogy
Ces trois courts métrages semi-autobiographiques de Terence Davies suivent le parcours de Robert Tucker, que l'on voit d'abord comme un enfant sans défense dans "Children", puis comme un homme d'âge mûr au regard creux dans "Madonna and child", et enfin comme un vieil homme décrépit dans "Death and transfiguration". Onirique et profondément émouvant.


Nov 01, 1976
Robert Tucker, a young gay man who is almost without affect, sits in various waiting rooms. As he sits, he recalls events from the year of his childhood when his father dies. He's ten or eleven that year, picked on by bullies at the Catholic school he attends. He seems friendless. At home, his mother is quiet, his father is ill and angry. After his father's death, there's a wake, the coffin arrives, the body is removed. The lad grieves, alone.