Lydia is a dog-obsessed girl. When she meets June, a lonely honey-colored mutt tied up to a fence, it's love at first sight, and Lydia steals her. Soon Lydia learns that while her heart has space for June, her life may not.
Alejandro, un créateur de jouets originaire du Salvador qui tente de se faire un nom, peine à développer ses idées singulières dans la ville de New York. Alors que son visa de travail est sur le point de prendre fin, son boulot d’assistant personnel d’une artiste erratique et imprévisible devient son seul espoir de rester au pays, et réaliser son rêve. Le scénariste et réalisateur Julio Torres nous offre une aventure surréaliste qui navigue à travers les mondes tout aussi périlleux que sont la ville de New York et le système d’immigration américain.
A sprawling story of love and loss, as reflected on a single face. Tiny pieces that, when cobbled together, hint at a much larger picture. The larger picture being a woman’s life. Observed through the decades. Centuries, even. You know. A comedy.
A film about a person's inability to cut an avocado. Directed by and starring Lorelei Ramirez, this experimental short finds strange humor in reality-bending absurdities and illogical deep-seated fears.
Simulated channel surfing, skipping through a variety of fictional shows, channels, commercials, home shopping, cable program guides, tv error messages, etc, Mainly featuring parodies of real world tv content.
After the conniving understudy of an avant-garde theater group knocks off the star actor, he finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse with Inspector Ike, New York City's Greatest Police Detective.
A film about a person's inability to cut an avocado. Directed by and starring Lorelei Ramirez, this experimental short finds strange humor in reality-bending absurdities and illogical deep-seated fears.
A film about a person's inability to cut an avocado. Directed by and starring Lorelei Ramirez, this experimental short finds strange humor in reality-bending absurdities and illogical deep-seated fears.
A disgraced pop star's road to redemption begins when he assembled a self-serving creative team and pushes three tired teenagers into the spotlight he craves.
Après avoir été nommée directrice de l'entreprise Sebben & Sebben, Judy Ken Sebben alias Birdgirl, doit trouver le moyen de maintenir l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle avec son travail de super-héros.
After being murdered moments into his first episode, comedian Brett Davis' roster of twisted characters guest host their own "special" each week, with celebrity guests, live music and comedians from NYC's underground comedy scene.
The story of a family whose patriarch, industrialist Tank Mann, has gone missing; meanwhile, due to the machinations of the stepmother, Courtney, the company is on the verge of a hostile takeover. Viewers could call in and talk to the characters thanks to the many orange phones that the "Ghost Lady" sets up around the house.
Julio Torres raconte l'histoire de la perte d'une huître en or. Les personnes qu'il rencontre au cours de ses recherches et ses réflexions deviennent des points de départ pour de petits films, tandis que Torres navigue entre ces histoires introspectives, souvent étranges et comiques.
Ilana et Abbi, toutes deux new-yorkaises féministes juives auto-proclamées, bien que frivoles et insouciantes, n'ont jamais de chance en amour. Ilana, hédoniste, cherche à éviter de travailler le moins possible, et Abbi persévère dans une carrière dans l'illustration. La belle vie ? Tout est relatif...