Sergey Bondarenko

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Feb 01, 2018
He was his absolute copy – his gestures, body language and jokes were so real, no one suspected the change. Bogdanov looked at the screen as if it was mirror. the double has taken over his tV-show, held meetings with his fans, lived with his women and had drinks with his friends. Bogdanov’s life and identity were erased in an instant. Popular, successful and cynical writer Bogdanov lost everything he has been working on for years building his career. As he clearly sees that the double is better and sincerer than he, he realizes the battle of his life is lost. the only one who wants to have real Bogdanov back is his daughter...


Apr 02, 2015
En 1941, Hitler décide de s'emparer du port stratégique de Sébastopol. L'aviation et l'artillerie allemandes vont pilonner sans relâche le dernier bastion de l'armée rouge. Sous ce déluge de feu, une jeune femme russe va se révéler être une tireuse d'élite hors pair et semer la panique dans le camp allemand. Les combats vont être meurtriers. Blessée par un éclat d'obus, elle va continuer à se battre sur le terrain diplomatique pour changer le cours de l'histoire.


Jan 01, 1988
A girl named Venya Ryzhik, living in an orphanage after parents abandoned her as an infant, creates "The test tube babies' league" with her orphan peers, declaring their refusal to find the foster family and protesting the apathy of their neglectful parents
Pyos Ryzhiy

Pyos Ryzhiy

Dec 03, 2016
On the Eastern front in 1941, German troops attack a Red Army's field hospital destroying it and causing a massive loss of life. The surviving soldiers try to fight back but have to retreat, among them a young pilot , Vyacheslav with his dog Red. Having survived the German onslaught they are sent to the front line where Red will prove his courage...