Yalla 3abelkon Chabeb shows us through the eyes of men how hard nowadays it is to have a proper relationship, based on love respect, principles and values… Is it because we live in a society where everything became so easy? Will those characters find true love? Does true love still exist? Why can’t we fight for what we have instead of turning our backs when a problem comes along? Are we looking at the wrong reasons to get married? Once married, how can we keep the marriage alive? Are all men cheaters?
Des journées d’été pleines de rêves, d’amour et de joie, tel est le quotidien de Nour, jeune adolescente de 15 ans, et de sa bande d’amis. Jusqu’à ce que Maurice, 35 ans, jette son dévolu sur elle et qu’elle soit contrainte de l’épouser. Sa joyeuse insouciance se transforme brutalement en un quotidien lugubre…
Yalla 3abelkon Chabeb shows us through the eyes of men how hard nowadays it is to have a proper relationship, based on love respect, principles and values… Is it because we live in a society where everything became so easy? Will those characters find true love? Does true love still exist? Why can’t we fight for what we have instead of turning our backs when a problem comes along? Are we looking at the wrong reasons to get married? Once married, how can we keep the marriage alive? Are all men cheaters?
Yalla 3abelkon Chabeb shows us through the eyes of men how hard nowadays it is to have a proper relationship, based on love respect, principles and values… Is it because we live in a society where everything became so easy? Will those characters find true love? Does true love still exist? Why can’t we fight for what we have instead of turning our backs when a problem comes along? Are we looking at the wrong reasons to get married? Once married, how can we keep the marriage alive? Are all men cheaters?