Michael Bilton

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Press for Time

Press for Time

Jan 01, 1966
Norman is quite happy selling newspapers outside Westminster station but his Grandfather (the Prime Minister) wants to get him "a more responsible job". A few favours are called in and Norman becomes the newest reporter at the seaside town of Tinmouth. After causing chaos at a local council meeting and causing the demolition of a new house he tries to organise a beauty pageant. A slapstick tale of corruption in high and low places
Silas Marner

Silas Marner

Dec 30, 1985
Adaption of George Eliot's novel. When a respectable weaver is wrongfully accused of theft, he becomes a virtual hermit until his own fortune is stolen and an orphaned child is found on his doorstep.
Le Cercle infernal

Le Cercle infernal

Feb 09, 1978
Julia (Mia Farrow), Magnus (Keir Dullea) et leur fille prennent tranquillement le petit déjeuner chez eux. Mais tout à coup, l'enfant s'étouffe avec un morceau de pomme. Julia tente bien de la sauver mais ses tentatives restent infructueuses et la petite fille meurt. Julia est traumatisée par cette mort et sera hospitalisée une longue période. À sa sortie, son mari vient la chercher mais elle s'enfuit, refusant de retourner au domicile conjugal. Persuadé que leur couple n'a plus de raison d'être sans leur enfant, la jeune femme décide de s'installer seule dans une maison afin de se rétablir doucement du choc, avec l'aide de son meilleur ami Mark (Tom Conti). Mais peu à peu, Julia sent une étrange présence dans sa nouvelle maison, une présence qu'elle ne craint pas et qui lui fait penser à sa fille. Pourtant, il pourrait s'agir d'une histoire plus terrible encore et Julia commence alors des recherches pour faire la lumière sur cette maison et cette étrange présence qu'elle y ressent.


May 25, 1972
Pendant le discours d'un ministre se flattant du succès d'une campagne antipollution, le corps d'une femme est découvert dans la Tamise. Le fleuve vient de charrier la nouvelle victime d'un meurtrier sadique, qui étrangle des femmes avec une cravate après les avoir violées. Dans le même temps, Richard Blaney, misanthrope solitaire d'une trentaine d'années, est renvoyé du café où il officiait en qualité de barman. Il demande assistance à son ancienne épouse, directrice d'une agence matrimoniale. Le lendemain, la malheureuse est retrouvée étranglée. Tous les soupçons se concentrent sur Richard Blaney...
Funny Farm

Funny Farm

Feb 27, 1975
Funny Farm depicts a night shift by nurse Alan Welbeck (Tim Preece) on a psychiatric ward.
Danton's Death

Danton's Death

Apr 23, 1978
Danton's Death is arguably the most dramatic and penetrating study of revolution ever written. Georg Büchner concentrates on that moment in 1794 when the Reign of Terror, already well established, spills over into a total blood-bath. The play, adapted by director Alan Clarke and Stuart Griffiths, both highly imaginative and closely documentary, shows how the great hero of the early phase of the Revolution, Danton, sickened by the excesses of the guillotine, which he helped to create, wants to call a halt. But Robespierre and Saint-Just, leaders of the Jacobins, with a ferocious puritanical zeal, spur on 'the wild horses of the Revolution'.
Un goût de miel

Un goût de miel

Oct 01, 1961
Jo, une petite collégiène un peu gauche, vit à Manchester avec sa mère Helen qui se soucie plus de trouver un nouvel amant que de s'occuper de sa fille. Un soir que sa mère l'a mise dehors pour vivre une nouvelle aventure amoureuse, Jo vit une brève idylle avec un marin noir. Enceinte et abandonnée par sa mère qui s'est mariée, elle rencontre Geoffrey, jeune homosexuel qui lui propose de vivre à ses côtés. Mais la mère ne l'entend pas de cette oreille...
Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars
In a Victorian Gothic mansion, strange things are afoot. The master of the house, away in Egypt, has been replaced by a sinister Egyptian. Cloth-wrapped Mummies roam the grounds, killing people. Beneath a pyramid, the last of the Osirans — Sutekh the Destroyer — waits to be freed, to at long last bring his gift of death to all who live.
Science Fiction


May 04, 1966
Le premier ministre d'une république orientale demande à David Pollock, spécialiste des hiéroglyphes, de s'infiltrer chez son adversaire, Nejim Beshraavi, magnat du pétrole, pour y décoder un message secret. Mais Beshraavi prend David en otage. Celui-ci parvient à s'évader grâce à l'aide de Yasmin, la maîtresse de Beshraavi.
Les 39 marches

Les 39 marches

Nov 04, 1978
Un homme recherche pour le meurtre d'une Mata-Hari est poursuivi par un groupe d'espions nazis, mais aussi par la police britannique...
Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin
Summoned back to Gallifrey, the Doctor is framed for the assassination of the Time Lord President. To prove his innocence, he must stand for election himself, uncover the traitor in the Time Lord High Council, fight a hooded killer in a nightmare cyberspace world of his enemy's devising and battle against an old foe now out to destroy the Time Lords: The Master.
Science Fiction
Le Quatrième protocole
Signé en 1968, le 4ème protocole réunit les États-Unis, l'URSS, la France et la Grande-Bretagne. Il interdit à toute nation possédant la force nucléaire d'introduire clandestinement toute arme nucléaire, en pièces ou entière, dans un territoire étranger. Vingt ans plus tard, le KGB met au point un plan très discutable.
Sauver les apparences

Sauver les apparences

Nov 05, 1995
Hyacinth Bucket est une femme en recherche constante de perfection. Elle habite avec Richard, son mari soumis, dans une maison totalement aseptisée. Hélas, sa famille est loin d'être aussi rigoureuse. Son père atterrit dans une clinique après avoir poursuivi la crémière le long du canal, nu et ivre sur une bicyclette...
To the Manor Born

To the Manor Born

Nov 29, 1981
Sitcom about the love-hate relationship between upper-class Audrey fforbes Hamilton and Richard DeVere, the nouveau rich businessman who buys her manor house when she can no longer afford to keep it.
Le Prisonnier

Le Prisonnier

Feb 02, 1968
Après sa démission, un agent secret est enlevé pour être emmené dans ce qui semble être un village idyllique, mais s'avère être une prison étrange. Son gardien veut des informations. Il ne dira rien mais va tenter de s'échapper.
Waiting for God

Waiting for God

Oct 27, 1994
Refusing to succumb to old age, Tom Ballard and Diana Trent are a pair of seasoned delinquents that cause many headaches. Their uneasy alliance is destined to make life difficult at the Bayview Retirement Village.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.


Sep 20, 1978
Z-Cars or Z Cars is a British television drama series centred on the work of mobile uniformed police in the fictional town of Newtown, based on Kirkby, Merseyside. Produced by the BBC, it debuted in January 1962 and ran until September 1978.
Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir
John Steed, un agent des services secrets britanniques, flanqué d'accortes acolytes nommées Cathy Gale, Emma Peel ou Tara King, combat le crime et résout des mystères souvent mâtinés d'énigmes surnaturelles. Sans se départir de son flegme et ponctuant ses actions de citations tirées de Shakespeare ou Wilde, il affronte des criminels plus flamboyants et mégalomaniaques les uns que les autres...
Action & Adventure
Crown Court

Crown Court

Feb 02, 1984
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.
Le Saint

Le Saint

Feb 09, 1969
Surnommé « le Saint » en raison de ses initiales, Simon Templar est un détective amateur au charme irrésistible qui traque les criminels à travers le monde.
Action & Adventure
One Foot In the Grave

One Foot In the Grave

Nov 20, 2000
One Foot in the Grave is a BBC television sitcom series The series features the exploits of Victor Meldrew and his long-suffering wife, Margaret. The programmes invariably deal with Meldrew's battle against the problems he creates for himself. Living in a typical household in an unnamed English suburb, Victor takes involuntary early retirement. His various efforts to keep himself busy, while encountering various misfortunes and misunderstandings are the themes of the sitcom. The series was largely filmed on location in Walkford, near New Milton in Hampshire, although several clues show that the series may have been set in Hampshire – possibly Winchester. Despite its traditional production, the series supplants its domestic sitcom setting with elements of black humour and surrealism.
Retour au château

Retour au château

Dec 22, 1981
Une famille anglaise aristocratique est représentée dans les années entre la Grande Guerre et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, souvent au domaine familial en ruine, le Brideshead Manor, essayant de faire face aux problèmes familiaux comme l'alcoolisme, l'homosexualité, la manie religieuse et le dysfonctionnement sexuel et de trouver le "bonheur".
Les Champions

Les Champions

Apr 30, 1969
Les Champions (The Champions) est une série télévisée britannique en 30 épisodes de 50 minutes, créée par Monty Berman et Dennis Spooner et diffusée entre le 25 septembre 1968 et le 30 avril 1969 sur le réseau ITV. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 17 juillet 1971 sur la deuxième chaîne de l'ORTF et rediffusée en 1993 sur M6. Craig, Richard et Sharon, trois agents secrets appartenant à une organisation appelée Nemesis, s'écrasent en avion dans l'Himalaya lors d'une mission. Recueillis par des moines tibétains, qui sont en réalité des êtres issus d'une civilisation très avancée, les trois héros se retrouvent dotés de pouvoirs surhumains qu'ils vont mettre au service du renseignement britannique et, ainsi, affronter des ennemis hors du commun.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Private Schulz

Private Schulz

Jun 10, 1981
Private Schulz is a BBC television comedy drama serial set mostly in Germany, during and immediately after World War II. It stars Michael Elphick in the title role and Ian Richardson playing various parts. Other notable actors included Tony Caunter, Billie Whitelaw, Billy Murray and Mark Wingett. Over six one-hour episodes, it tells the story of a German fraudster and petty criminal who is forced against his will to serve in the SS. In a story based on the real, though unrealised, plot by the Germans known as Operation Bernhard, he tricks the Nazis into making counterfeit British five pound notes, millions of which will be used to destroy the British economy. However, Schulz is primarily interested in stealing them. Other elements of the story based on the history of the period include the Venlo incident, when two British intelligence officers were abducted from the Netherlands at the very start of the war, and Salon Kitty. This was a Berlin brothel which was secretly run by the SD, for the purpose of spying on its wealthy clients, who were often prominent German government officials or military officers. Additionally, many of the main characters are real people.
The First Lady

The First Lady

Jul 17, 1969
The series starred Thora Hird as crusading local councillor Sarah Danby and was set around the fictional borough of Furness in Lancashire. Capitalising on the popularity of its lead actress, The First Lady was a down-to-earth series exploring the inner workings of local government.


Dec 22, 1983
Angels is a BBC medical soap-opera which launched on 1st September 1975 and was the blue print for such medical soaps as Casualty, Holby City, plus daytime soap, Doctors. The medical soap focuses on different departments within Heath Green Hospital and was a highly successful continuing drama.
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Pennies from Heaven

Pennies from Heaven

Apr 11, 1978
Pennies From Heaven is a 1978 BBC television drama serial written by Dennis Potter. The title is taken from a song of the same name written by Johnny Burke and Arthur Johnston. It was one of several Potter serials to mix the reality of the drama with a dark fantasy content, and the earliest of his works where the characters burst into miming to popular 1930s songs.
The Growing Pains of PC Penrose
Earnest new recruit PC Penrose has left his home town and joined the force in the Yorkshire town of Slagcaster. He's young and naive but seasoned officer Sergeant Flagg takes him under his wing and shows him the ropes, though his methods can be a little unconventional.
International Detective
The global adventures of Ken Franklin, ace operative of the William J. Burns Detective Agency, qualify as a pop-culture curio if only for star Arthur---later Art---Fleming, who hosted the original `Jeopardy!'
Grace & Favour

Grace & Favour

Feb 08, 1993
Grace & Favour is a British sitcom sequel to the long-running series Are You Being Served ? It aired on BBC1 for two series from 1992 to 1993 and marked the return of Are You Being Served ? creators and writers Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.


Aug 16, 1974
Justice is a British drama television series which originally aired on ITV in 39 hour-long episodes between 8 August 1971 and 16 October 1974. Margaret Lockwood stars as Harriet Peterson a female barrister in the North of England. It was made by Yorkshire Television and was based loosely on Justice Is a Woman, an episode of ITV Playhouse broadcast in 1969 in which Lockwood had previously also played a barrister. The theme music was Crown Imperial by William Walton.
The Upper Hand

The Upper Hand

Oct 14, 1996
The Upper Hand is a British television sitcom, produced by Central Independent Television and Columbia Pictures Television and broadcast by ITV from 1990 to 1996. The programme was adapted from the American sitcom Who's the Boss?. As in the former series, an affluent single woman, raising a son with the help of her mother, hires a housekeeper only to have a man apply for the job.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Apr 11, 1994
Cette série met en scène les exploits du célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes, adaptés des romans et nouvelles de sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Victoria Regina

Victoria Regina

Dec 04, 1964
Patricia Routledge gives a career-best performance as Queen Victoria in this 1964 series of plays based on the celebrated collection of dramas by playwright Laurence Housman. Self-willed, obstinate, imperious and passionate... a now-familiar description of one of history's longest-serving female monarchs – but Housman's satirical tribute marked a decisive break with the tradition of the uncritical historical portrait. A Broadway hit deemed too disrespectful for public performance in Britain until the late 1930s, Victoria Regina is a frank portrayal of an extraordinarily complex woman, tracing her development from royal teenager to inconsolable widow at the helm of a vast empire, with all her contradictions, prejudices and unconstitutional behavior.
Terry and June

Terry and June

Aug 31, 1987
Terry and June Medford are both middle aged and beginning to find the trials of life are more difficult as they try to succeed in their daily lives. The couple have just moved to Purley, south-east London... Aunt Lucy and the mynah bird had disappeared, as had the occasionally visiting daughters. Terry and June now mixed with a friendly next door neighbour, Beattie; Terry's chatty work colleague, Malcolm; and their gruff boss Sir Dennis Hodge. Otherwise, things were much as before, with Terry's pigheaded childishness causing no end of problems, usually thwarting June's attempts at leading a cosy life.
All Creatures Great and Small
Les aventures de James Herriot, un jeune vétérinaire de campagne, dans les années 1930, qui a quitté Glasgow pour le Yorkshire Dales, pour devenir l’assistant de Siegfried Farnon. Adaptation des récits autobiographiques de James Herriot, des classiques de la littérature britannique.
Coronation Street

Coronation Street

Feb 19, 2025
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them through regular social and family interactions at home, in the workplace, and in their local pub, the Rovers Return Inn. Britain's longest-running soap.