A look back on the making of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with the creators of the film, featuring Interviews With Actors Alex Winter And Keanu Reeves, Producer Scott Kroopf, Composer David Newman, Supporting Actors Dan Shor, Rod Loomis, Clifford David, Al Leong, Terry Camilleri, And Jane Wiedlin, Special Make-Up Effects Designer Kevin Yagher And More!
Eddie Weinbauer est un jeune adolescent fan de musique rock. Il est tout particulièrement passionné par le chanteur Sammi Curr, qui est décédé dernièrement dans un incendie. Eddie devient l'acquéreur du prototype du dernier album inachevé de Curr, un disque qui, lu à l'envers, délivre des incantations démoniaques... Et Halloween approche.
Depuis des décennies, Freddy Krueger s'est frayé un chemin à travers les rêves d'innombrables jeunes, effrayant plus d'un demi-milliard de dollars au box-office à travers huit films terrifiants et spectaculaires.
The story of the cult horror empire through interviews with cast, crew, and horror icons such as Don Mancini, Brad Dourif, Jennifer Tilly, Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, John Waters, Fiona Dourif, Perrey Reeves, Gerrit Graham, David Kirschner, and dozens more.
When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.
When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.
When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.
When Fred Krueger is set free on a technicality, the parents of the children he murdered take matters into their own hands, while a high school track star haunted by her mother’s untimely death receives her mother’s amulet that unlocks her ambitions and unleashes vengeance on those who cause her pain.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
In this cinematic adventure, a close-knit group of friends sets out on a mission to experience the euphoria of marijuana. Their journey is riddled with challenges, from enduring painfully long waits for deliveries to dealing with suppliers whose reliability is questionable at best. Through a series of unexpected twists and turns, the film vividly depicts the friends' quest to secure and enjoy cannabis. It captures the authentic and releasable experiences, as well as the shared frustrations that often accompany the process of acquiring and indulging in weed. At its core, the narrative emphasizes the critical importance of a trustworthy connection and the reliability of their supplier, weaving an engaging and entertaining portrayal of the trials and triumphs encountered along the way.
Cette comédie horrifique est basée sur les comics des années 50 de Williams M. Gaines. Chaque épisode est une histoire indépendante, avec de prestigieuses guest-stars régulièrement devant ou derrière la caméra.
Cette comédie horrifique est basée sur les comics des années 50 de Williams M. Gaines. Chaque épisode est une histoire indépendante, avec de prestigieuses guest-stars régulièrement devant ou derrière la caméra.
Temperance Brennan est une anthropologue hautement qualifiée qui travaille à l'Institut Jeffersonian. En examinant les squelettes de personnes décédées, elle est capable d'en reconstituer la vie et les circonstances de la mort. De telles capacités n'échappent pas au FBI qui fait appel à ses services dans le cadre d'affaires criminelles lorsque les méthodes traditionnelles d'identification des corps ne donnent rien. Temperance travaille en collaboration avec l'agent spécial Seeley Booth, ancien sniper de l'armée qui se méfie de la science et des scientifiques.