Γιάννης Κανδήλας

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Sep 30, 1972
En mai 1936, dans une Grèce secouée par de nombreux attentats politiques, un dirigeant syndicaliste est assassiné. Sofianos, un petit délinquant et contrebandier, informateur de la police et agent provocateur dans les manifestations de gauche est accusé du meurtre. Installé dans une chambre à part des autres détenus, il est maintenu au secret. Les seules personnes lui rendant visite sont un député du parti conservateur et son chauffeur, qui est aussi le frère de Sofianos. Un jour, celui-ci prend en otage le député, à l'intérieur de sa cellule, afin d'obtenir sa libération avant minuit, sans qu'on sache comment il s'est procuré le revolver dont il se sert ; à l'extérieur, les gardiens sont impuissants, tandis que le directeur de la prison subit de la part de son ministre de tutelle et des partis politiques, des pressions, parfois opposées, pour trouver rapidement une solution.
Αιχμάλωτοι του Μίσους
Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with him and agrees to marry him, inviting the wrath of his secretary and lover Tzina, who, in order to get even with him, reveals to Vicky that Angelos' ships don't transport food, medicine and indispensable articles to Africa, but guns, ammunition and even mercenaries. Viky is shocked. She turns in von Zirach to the police and leaves. After some years, she returns to him with their son Freiderikos, when von Zirach has donated his fortune to the orphans of Biafra.
Τα χρώματα της ίριδος
A mysterious disappearance takes place during the shooting of a commercial on the beach in the early morning hours. An unknown man suddenly comes into the shot, then walks into the sea holding an umbrella and seizes to exist, before the bewildered eyes of the whole crew. After the police are notified, a confusing array of red tape manoeuvers begins, revealing the close affiliations of the Authorities with the advertising company manager and the whole mechanism of Mass Media, all of which are trying not to investigate the event but to conceal or even exploit it in their own interest. Only the musician involved in that commercial is trying to figure out what really happened.