Ieva Andrejevaitė

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Mar 15, 2023
L'incroyable histoire du plus populaire des jeux vidéo et comment il a rencontré la ferveur des joueurs du monde entier. Henk Rogers découvre Tetris en 1988 et risque le tout pour le tout lorsqu'il se rend en URSS, où il s'allie à Alexey Pajitnov, pour faire connaître le jeu au monde entier. Inspiré d'une historie vraie, Tetris est un explosif thriller sur fond de guerre froide, avec des traîtres, des héros improbables et une infernale course contre la montre.
Moscou ne dort jamais

Moscou ne dort jamais

Mar 10, 2017
MOSCOU NE DORT JAMAIS est un drame multi-narratif qui capture l'énergie cinétique de la capitale russe dans une affirmation provocatrice sur la Russie de Poutine. Le film plonge tête baissée dans les intersections volatiles de la Moscou contemporaine et les vies intimes de cinq personnes: un ENTREPRENEUR dont l'empire commercial est assiégé par de puissants bureaucrates, une ADOLESCENTE qui croupit dans la misère d'un foyer brisé, UN JEUNE HOMME forcé de choisir entre sa petite amie et sa grand-mère ; une belle CHANTEUSE déchirée par la poursuite de deux hommes et une STAR DE FILM malade qui se retrouve mêlée à un étrange enlèvement. Au cours d'une journée, leur vie va changer à jamais.
Dragon inside me

Dragon inside me

Dec 03, 2015
Durant des siècles, les habitants d'un village isolé ont sacrifié de jeunes vierges au dragon qui rôdait alentour. Ces filles voguaient sur une petite barque avant d'être enlevées par le monstre. Aujourd'hui, les villageois ont abandonné ce rituel, devenu une tradition matrimoniale. Le jour de sa noce, la princesse Mira se soumet bien entendu à cette coutume...


Apr 03, 2014
Russia’s answer to U.S. box-office hit “The Social Network”, the movie tells the story of a pair of Moscow students in the mid-90s who create an internet search engine that becomes one of the largest in the world.
Хороший мальчик
Contemporary Moscow. Ninth-grader Kolya falls in love with a beautiful young teacher at his high school. The most beautiful girl in the senior class falls in love with him. How will he make his way through this triangle?
Вещий Олег

Вещий Олег

Jan 01, 1970
In the ninth century, after the fall of Rome, the Viking raids, economic devastation and intercine warfare between rival tribes, a young prince Oleg comes into throne. Possessing charisma, prescience, and great military gifts he unites the fragmented principalities into a single state and establishes the rule of law, returning the land to prosperity.


Mar 01, 2018
The shop employee Leopold Baranowski becomes the owner of an unusual jacket. The hundred bucks banknote never runs out in the pocket of this jacket. Leopold's life becomes awesome - restaurants, boutiques, luxury cars and everything what he could only dream about. But a jacket has the real owner - Victor Khmara (candidate in the mayors of seashore metropolis). He mobilized all forces and connections for the search of precious thing.
Дорогой папа
Vadim Krylov is the owner of a major retail chain. He's the best at what he does, and he is used to getting what he wants at any cost. He reaches his goal, 3000 stores all over the country, but that costs him dearly. Now, to avoid financial ruin Krylov has to make a deal to partner with a large Chinese retail chain. The Chinese company is ready to purchase a 50% stake in Vadim's company which officially - or on paper at least - belongs to his Mother. Vadim is once again on top of the world. But his Mother, who lived her whole life in his home town died a half a year ago and it turns out, she left a last will and testament. So Vadim will have to go back to his home town where there's an unexpected surprise waiting for him. His Mother bequeathed the company not to him, but to her granddaughter, his daughter, with whom he has had no contact with since he abandoned her at the age of two.
Queen of Diamonds

Queen of Diamonds

Jul 25, 2019
A casino hostess full of sass, attitude and charm becomes entangled in an audacious plot to rob an international diamond trader.
Kill Your Friends

Kill Your Friends

Nov 06, 2015
Londres, 1997. Les groupes pop comme Blur, Oasis et Radiohead règnent en maîtres sur les ondes. Steven Stelfox, 27 ans, producteur de musique et chasseur de talents, écrase tout sur son chemin. Poussé par sa cupidité, son ambition et une quantité inhumaine de drogues, il recherche le prochain tube. C’est l’époque d’un business où les carrières se font et se défont. A mesure que les tubes se font plus rares, il tente de désespérément de sauver sa carrière.


Apr 08, 2022
Indre and Paulius haven't kept in touch lately; but as his foot is in a cast, she agrees to drive him out to a small town near the airport, where his brother and her boyfriend died.
Winter Thaw

Winter Thaw

Nov 24, 2016
In late nineteenth-century Russia, Martin Avdeitch is a humble shoemaker whose life has been characterized by grief. Martin must find the courage to look outside himself and trust in the goodness of God. This BYUtv original holiday special is based on Leo Tolstoy's short story, "Martin the Cobbler," and stars John Rhys-Davies.


Oct 06, 2020


23 août 1939. L'Europe craint une guerre imminente. Hitler et Staline signe le pacte germano-soviétique (de non-agression). Parallèlement, un agent estonien est assassiné. Des sources russes prétendent qu'il y a un traîte dans les rangs. Feliks Kangur, un espion estonien, est chargé de découvrir l'identité de l'agent double.


Oct 25, 2020
Lorsqu'un virus menace de retourner contre eux les hybrides extra-terrestres devenus amicaux avec les humains, le capitaine Rose Corley doit diriger une équipe de mercenaires d'élite dans le monde extra-terrestre afin de sauver ce qui reste de l'Humanité...
Science Fiction
Max Anger - With One Eye Open
Max Anger is a former member of the Swedish military who finally found love with his Russian colleague Pashie. When Pashie suddenly goes missing in St Petersburg, Max sets off on a mission to find her but soon finds himself on a deadly hunt leading him to a terrifying discovery that could potentially change the entire world order.


Jan 04, 2023
Le drame en trois parties suit la vie et l'époque du politicien travailliste en disgrâce John Stonehouse, un ministre de haut vol du gouvernement du Premier ministre Harold Wilson a disparu de la plage d'un grand hôtel de luxe en Floride en novembre 1974, laissant une pile soigneusement pliée de vêtements alors qu'il nageait dans la mer, dans l'intention de simuler sa propre mort.
Зона комфорта
Yaroslav Kostrov, the boorish and quirky owner of a small transport company in Murmansk, by coincidence ends up in a Norwegian prison, where the comfort level resembles good hotels with all amenities and the Internet. But the only thing that connects Yarik with home is the Skype window, through which he will have to somehow get out of the circumstances, as well as resist the mafia, control his business, try not to lose his wife and raise children who refuse to be brought up by video.


Apr 02, 2015
An epic saga which takes place over a long time span from 1961 to 1991. From the midpoint of the story we view the friendship of four boys. In season main heroes are in their 20's, they are childhood friends, and for the sake of their friendship they are ready to sacrifice anything. Everyone has their own dreams, but their circumstances will take them on a difficult path and they will be forced into all kinds of underground economic dealings in the early 60s. And, worst of all - they are successful in this business. And the more successful they are, the further they get from their real dreams.
A Wolf's Palate

A Wolf's Palate

Jan 01, 1970
Young girl Silvija has been brutally murdered. Her desecrated body was found in the woods by Ulvis, the town’s deaf-mute tattoo artist. Everyone in the small town becomes suspects in this terrible crime, divided into several fierce camps accusing each other. Little by little, the viewer discovers the dark and frightening side of life in this seemingly sleepy, backwater town.


Dec 16, 2022
The measured life of a provincial town is shaken by terrible news: the body of a 32-year-old woman has been found. There is a suspicion that the deceased is the sister of the investigator of the local police department, Rita Tikhonova, who disappeared 14 years ago. An investigation begins, during which Rita is faced with very strange circumstances and understands that her environment keeps terrible secrets, and her family and friends are not who they say they are.
The Romanoffs

The Romanoffs

Nov 22, 2018
A chaque épisode, une histoire centrée sur une personne persuadée être une descendante de la célèbre famille royale russe.