Renato Ercolani

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Le Chevalier à la Rose
Vienne, XVIIIème siècle. Alors que la Maréchale s’éveille après une nuit de passion auprès de son jeune amant Octavian, son cousin, le Baron Ochs von Lerchenau, pénètre dans la chambre pour annoncer son mariage avec la belle Sophie. Comme le veut la tradition, il doit charger un chevalier de présenter une rose d’argent à sa bien-aimée et confie cette tâche à Octavian. Mais, alors que le gentilhomme accomplie son devoir, il tombe sous le charme de la promise du baron. Il met alors en place un stratagème pour piéger son rival.
Salzburger Marionettentheater:Le Nozze di Figaro
With the opera "Le nozze di Figaro" commenced the remarkably successful cooperation between Mozart and his librettist Lorenzo da Ponte. The first night of "Figaro", presumably Mozart's most perfect musical comedy, was held in Vienna on May 1st, 1786. It is based on Beumarchais' "scandalous" comedy "La Folle Journée ou Le Mariage de Figaro" which, after its first staging in the pre-revolutionary Paris of 1784, soon became a huge success throughout Europe. For the opera, the revolutionary content of the intricate comedy of love and conspiracy against the background of noble capriciousness was actually toned down but not completely abandoned. The extensive ensemble scenes, the treatment of the orchestra and the delicately nuanced musical profiles of the characters hit the target and, looking back, proved to be pioneering for following generations of musicians.