Pedro Eustache

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The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration
Le film du concert présente une performance éblouissante du spectacle « The World of Hans Zimmer » filmé au légendaire Wiener Konzerthaus. Hans Zimmer lui-même est présent et interprète son titre culte « Time » avec son groupe, l’Orchestre symphonique de la radio de Vienne et un immense choeur. Pour « The World of Hans Zimmer », Hans Zimmer a réarrangé les thèmes emblématiques de ses bandes originales et créé des suites de concert électrisantes pour orchestre, choeur et une liste impressionnante de solistes. Découvrez ses plus grands succès comme vous ne les avez jamais entendus auparavant et redécouvrez « Da Vinci Code », « Gladiator », « Le Roi Lion » ou « Pirates des Caraïbes » dans une qualité sonore Dolby Atmos immersive.
The Weight of Water

The Weight of Water

Nov 03, 2018
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Un prince à New York 2
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Army of Thieves

Army of Thieves

Oct 29, 2021
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Mourir peut attendre

Mourir peut attendre

Sep 29, 2021
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Le Dernier Duel

Le Dernier Duel

Oct 13, 2021
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.


Sep 15, 2021
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Science Fiction
Raya et le Dernier Dragon
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.


Aug 02, 2022
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.


Jul 30, 2021
Erik is totally blind and is solo kayaking the length of the Grand Canyon. In Lava Falls, a large dangerous rapid, he discovers that despite what people might say, barriers can be real and they hurt .. a lot.
Flor de Azúcar

Flor de Azúcar

Jul 28, 2016
A young peasant is forced to flee for killing involuntarily an abusive guard. After an entire year hiding in a remote fishing island, he decides to return to his countryside and reunite with his wife and daughters.


Apr 03, 2011


A young peasant is forced to flee for killing involuntarily an abusive guard. After an entire year hiding in a remote fishing island, he decides to return to his countryside and reunite with his wife and daughters.

Oct 02, 2022

Dannny McNamara est un ancien agent du FBI dont la spécialité est les antiquités et les oeuvres d'art volées. Lexi Vaziri est une voleuse d'arts pleine de ressources encore hantée par la mort de son père, pour laquelle elle tient Danny responsable. Lorsqu'un terroriste du nom de Karim Farouk s'enfuit avec un artefact d'une valeur inestimable et kidnappe le mentor de Danny, la Dre Anna Castillo, l'ancien agent décide de recruter Lexi afin de traduire Farouk en justice et pour secourir Anna. Tandis qu'ils pourchassent leur cible dans le monde, Danny et Lexi se retrouvent d'une manière inattendue au coeur d'un combat de 2000 ans avec comme enjeu le berceau de la civilisation.