Reegus Flenory

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Winner Takes All

Winner Takes All

Jan 01, 1998
Two rapper childhood friends turn to the quick and easy life of crime to support their needy parents. But after a foiled robbery, one of them is jailed while the other flees, changes his name, joins the military, and grows up to become a narcotics agent.
Silver Twins

Silver Twins

Jul 28, 2017
Two twins raised Jewish become Christians while attending different colleges, returning home to share the news with mixed reactions.
Acquitted by Faith

Acquitted by Faith

Feb 20, 2020
Attorney Benjamin Stills is nearly sentenced to prison and finds faith in God after killing a teenage girl in an accidental car crash from texting while driving.
False Prophets

False Prophets

May 16, 2006
When a young woman opts to abort a miraculous conception, a Christian Fundamentalist group intervenes. Duped into an adoption scheme, Maggie agrees to carry the baby to term but gradually comes to suspect the entire arrangement. She ends up marooned at a rural service station, where she encounters a wise old radio preacher, Isaiah, and his reluctant prophet of a son, Manny, who end up guiding her on the rest of her journey. It's not an easy journey, however, as Maggie is stalked, chased and forced off the road. In a woodsy field, she comes face to face with her assailants and herself, as she prepares to undergo a painfully unorthodox delivery and yet another unforeseen miracle...
Les Cerveaux

Les Cerveaux

Sep 29, 2016
La vie de David Ghantt n’a rien de compliqué. Chaque jour, c’est la même routine : au volant de son camion blindé, il transporte des millions de dollars qui ne lui appartiennent pas. Le seul rayon de soleil dans son existence banale, c’est sa jolie collègue, Kelly Campbell. C’est elle qui va l’attirer dans une combine foireuse… Malgré la bande de bras cassés à qui il a affaire, dirigée par Steve Chambers, et en dépit d’un plan grotesquement mal ficelé, David réussit quand même l’exploit de voler 17 millions de dollars… Le problème, c’est qu’il se fait doubler par ses complices, qui disparaissent avec le butin et lui mettent tout sur le dos. David est dedans jusqu’au cou. Sa seule chance est de remonter la piste que laissent les braqueurs en claquant l’argent de façon aussi voyante que ridicule. En cavale, traqué par les autorités et pourchassé par un drôle de tueur à gages, David va tout tenter pour reprendre l’avantage et doubler à son tour ceux en qui il avait le plus confiance…
Country Strong

Country Strong

Dec 22, 2010
Un compositeur de musique country écrit pour une star déchue. Ensemble, ils relancent sa carrière mais entrent également dans une relation compliquée, impliquant le mari/manager de la chanteuse et une jeune starlette...


Aug 19, 2016
When Lieutenant Morgan (Kevin Sorbo) and his armed force arrive on the scene of a church hostage situation, James (Casey Fuller) weighs his options for an escape while Elizabeth (Jenn Gotzen) makes it her mission to save his life.


Sep 21, 2012
Samantha Crawford is living a storybook life: she’s happily married, she lives on a ranch where she keeps her beloved horse, and the stories she’s told and illustrated since childhood have become published books. When her husband Billy is killed in a senseless act of violence, Sam loses her faith and her will to live. But a death-defying encounter with two children leads to a reunion with Joe, her oldest friend. As Sam watches “Papa” Joe care for and love the kids in his under-resourced neighborhood, she begins to realize that no matter life’s circumstances, the love of God is always reaching out to us.


May 07, 2021
Disaster strikes in a small American farm town when teenager Cody Rose becomes the victim of a grain entrapment accident. As corn becomes quicksand inside of a 50-foot tall silo, the town locals must put aside their differences to save Cody from drowning in the crop they harvest.
Howard’s Mill

Howard’s Mill

Mar 22, 2021
Un terrain agricole abandonné dans la campagne du Tennessee pourrait bien détenir la clé de plusieurs affaires de disparitions s'étalant sur plus de quarante ans.


Aug 28, 2018
In the wake of a mysterious and shocking murder, three unique people - an Assistant Chief of Police, a reporter, and a teenage girl - are supernaturally empowered to fight for the city's poorest and most racially diverse neighborhood.
Les frères Scott

Les frères Scott

Apr 04, 2012
Lucas et Nathan, deux demi-frères que tout sépare, se retrouvent rivaux non seulement sur le terrain de leur équipe de basket mais aussi dans le cœur d'une fille.