Cora Metzfield

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The Machinery of Dreams
After her mother is hospitalized due to a car crash, Lily, a girl of eight goes into a fairy tale told to her by her grandmother in search of a talisman to save her mom.


Aug 19, 2016
Nate Foster, jeune recrue du FBI, est chargé par sa supérieure d'infiltrer en tant qu'indic un groupuscule néo-nazi. D'abord réticent, Nate comprend vite que pour mettre en confiance les membres de l'organisation, il doit devenir un des leurs... Crâne rasé, prétendument vétéran de guerre, le voilà contraint de participer aux débordements racistes et d'adhérer aux discours haineux du groupe. Tiraillé entre sa morale et les impératifs de sa mission, Nate est pris de vertiges lorsqu'il découvre que le groupe prépare une attaque terroriste sans précédent...
Unwavering Faith

Unwavering Faith

Apr 22, 2017
UNWAVERING is a faith-based film that tells the story of a girl who is in present day captivity with her peers being held at an abandoned warehouse by a terrorist group. As Sarah (Katie C'etta), the main character, is tested and struggles to stay true to her faith she also has flashbacks from her childhood, her first love, getting engaged, and the event that reveals how she was captured. UNWAVERING is a mix of loving memories, intense emotional situations, and on the edge of your seat suspense.