二代目 尾上松也

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Aug 25, 2023
Shota Kadomatsu aimerait avoir une petite amie, mais avec son uniforme d'étudiant d'une classe peu appréciée, ce n'est pas facile.
Don't Call it Mystery

Don't Call it Mystery

Sep 15, 2023
Un jour, Totonou Kunou (Masaki Suda), un étudiant bavard doté d'une permanente naturelle, se rend à Hiroshima pour une exposition d'art. Il y rencontre une adolescente, Shioji Kariatsumari, qui dit être une amie de Garo Inudo (Eita Nagayama). "Voulez-vous travailler pour moi ? Des vies et de l'argent sont en jeu. Je suis sérieuse. Elle propose à Totonou un travail à temps partiel, qui s'avère être lié à la succession d'un énorme héritage. Totonou décide de l'aider, mais se retrouve impliqué dans une bataille d'héritage de la noble et louche famille Kariatsumari, où les gens sont tués depuis des générations. Derrière l'héritage se cachent les multiples facettes et mystères de la famille. Quelle vérité y est enfouie ?
尾上松也・歌舞伎自主公演 挑む Vol 10〜完〜 新作歌舞伎 赤胴鈴之助
Two young swordsmen, Akado Suzunosuke and Tatsumaki Rainoshin, arrive at the city of Edo in their quest to test and improve their skills. Soon they become involved in a conflict against a mysterious group of demonic criminals led by the king of hell, Taira no Masakado — a strugle to which both were destined since the moment they were born.


Dec 05, 2020
One samurai is ordered to kill another by their master in punishment.
Set in the Azuchi Monoyama period (the last third of the 16th century) when Goemon Ishikawa lived, it portrays Lupin and other characters boldly with the techniques and stage tricks of kabuki. It is the first official kabuki adaptation of the Lupin the Third franchise
Katherine Turner initially accompanied her father, Vice President of the United States, on his official trip to Japan but decided to stay longer to study the Japanese art of flower arrangement for her business back in the States. Yukio Hamaguchi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and also a very good friend of Katherine’s father, assigns his nephew Ichiro to escort Katherine during her stay. Ichiro is halfhearted at first but when Katherine’s old friend Maiko becomes the victim of a murder case, Katherine and Ichiro start to reveal their talent as brilliant detectives by untangling clues and solving the case together.
Kirakira Precure a la mode paritto omoide no mille feuille
Nos six héroïnes partent à Paris pour participer à un concours de pâtisserie. Au cours de leur visite de la ville, elles rencontrent Jean-Pierre Zylberstein, qui a entrainé Ciel Kiraboshi durant son précédent séjour en France. Ichika propose alors aux filles de préparer un mille-feuille digne de ce nom pour le concours, en l'honneur du passé entre Ciel et son maitre. Malheureusement, un mystérieux monstre apparait, transformant toute la ville en pâtisserie.


Mar 12, 2021
Makoto Kashiba is an elite bank clerk and works for a big bank at its Tokyo HQ. Due to a minor mistake, he is demoted to a small branch office in a country town. He is devastated by his situation. There, he meets beautiful Yoshino Ikoma. She runs a goldfish scooping store. Makoto Kashiba falls in love with her at first sight.
Demon City Oni Goroshi
Accusé à tort du meurtre de sa famille et laissé pour mort, un ancien tueur à gages est prêt à tout pour se venger des "démons" masqués qui se sont emparés de sa ville.
Bullet Train Explosion
Quand la panique gagne un train à grande vitesse à destination de Tokyo qui explosera s'il passe sous les 100 km/h, une course contre la montre s'engage pour sauver les passagers.
Akado Suzunosuke is a swordsman from the Edo period who accidentally ends up in the Reiwa era. Will he defeat the demons led by the silver-haired demon here too? And how will our swordsman live in the modern era?
In the Edo period, an era without photographs, ukiyo-e prints served as precious 'visual records of Edo,' conveying the lifestyle, customs, and culture of that time. This show aims to reconstruct life in Edo period through decrypting of the ukiyo-e prints.
忠臣蔵狂詩曲No.5 中村仲蔵 出世階段
The orphan Nakazo becomes a pupil of kabuki actor Denkuro and attracts the attention of the great star Koshiro. However, in order to help his ailing parents, he becomes an apprentice to wealthy merchant Yoshikawa and decides to quit acting... Nevertheless, he could not turn his back on acting which is his true passion. When he tries to return to the theater world, he has to literally work his way up from the bottom. How will Nakazo rise up from his predicament? Though there are others who hinder his path, he receives support from his bride Ogishi, and friend Segawa Kinji. Plus a fateful encounter with a mysterious ronin ignites in him a spark of inspiration...
Hippocrates no Chikai

Hippocrates no Chikai

Oct 30, 2016
Makoto Tsugano est une interne en médecine. Lors d'une formation de médecine légale, elle sent que la classe a une atmosphère étrange. Alors que le professeur s'absente, Makoto répond à un appel téléphonique et entend une voix qui demande : "C'est là qu'on fait les autopsies ?". Une fille veut faire pratiquer une autopsie sur le corps d'une femme décédée dans un accident de voiture impliquant son père alors que la police conclut que ce n'est pas nécessaire.


Mar 21, 2024
An original medical murder mystery surrounds an unknown killer coccus (bacteria), that leaves no trace in the victim's body, which enables it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. Fujimaki Tatsuomi is a pathologist working at the Pathlogy department at Meikyo Medical University Hospital. He's looked down upon by the other staff around him, and his relationship with Maho his wife, a former nurse, has cooled down. After a patient's suspicious death, he makes a new discovery; when the deadly bacteria "Gift" invades the body, the patient soon dies, but the "Gift" leaves no trace thereafter, enabling it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. As a result of this discovery, Fujimaki's life dramatically changes. While searching for a way to treat his ailing wife's heart disease, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy surrounding the killer bacteria "Gift."
N'appelez pas ça du mystère
Totono Kuno est un étudiant solitaire, qui n'aspire qu'à profiter de ses journées tranquilles, à préparer du curry et à apprécier le passage des saisons. Sa routine est bouleversée le jour où la police se présente à sa porte : l'un de ses camarades de classe a été assassiné et il est le seul suspect... Il faudra à Totono déployer toutes ses capacités de déduction pour lever les soupçons qui pèsent sur lui. Heureusement, il ne manque pas de ressources dans ce domaine !
Sato, a young woman from a modest family, marries Kenta, a young man from a well-to-do and respected family. She settles in the family's home, where she meets the father, Keiichi, a strict man, Mihoko, the unfriendly sister-in-law and Akito, the elder brother. Although not everyone sees the union of Kenta and Sato in a very good light, the father seems to have great plans for our heroine.
The killer Inside

The killer Inside

Nov 30, 2022
Urashima Eiji est étudiant et son père est tueur en série. Un jour, il se rend compte qu'il souffre d'un dédoublement de la personnalité et craint que son autre personnalité n'ait commis un meurtre. Il se met alors à enquêter pour découvrir la vérité.


Jun 05, 2009
Continuation of the popular series of films about the assassins in Edo. This show marks the return of the jidaigeki series "Hissatsu Shigotonin," which has had several seasons between the 1970s and the 1990s. The franchise came back in 2007 with a one-shot special, but this is its first full season since 1992. Makoto Fujita returns as the protagonist Nakamura Mondo, one of the "shigotonin," a team of hired assassins.
War & Politics
Themis is known as the goddess of law and order in Greek mythology. This story takes place at a law school where students aspire to become judges, prosecutors, and lawyers. Hiiragi Shizuku, who is both a judge and a law teacher, is confronted with the reality of the law school, where the teachers are only interested in teaching students how to pass the bar exam. With her belief that "one cannot become a good lawyer if you do not know people", Shizuku decides to create a new trend in the law school by teaching the students how to learn more about "people", which is something that cannot be learned from textbooks.
Hanzawa Naoki

Hanzawa Naoki

Sep 27, 2020
Naoki Hanzawa travaille comme gestionnaire de prêts à la succursale Osaka Nishi de la Banque centrale de Tokyo. Un jour, Naoki signe un contrat de prêt de 500 millions de yens avec Nishi Osaka Steel Company. Naoki ne voulait pas approuver le prêt, mais il a dû le faire à cause de l'ordre du directeur de la succursale. Le directeur de la banque est Asano. C'est un homme ambitieux qui essaie de rejeter la faute sur Naoki.