Rimantė Valiukaitė

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Dancer Elena and sign language interpreter Dovydas meet and form a beautiful bond. As they dive into a new relationship, they must navigate how to build their own kind of intimacy.
Kaip pavogti žmoną

Kaip pavogti žmoną

Dec 20, 2013
How to steal a wife – an upbeat holiday comedy with characters trying to figure out if love is really stronger than money. Can you imagine what would happen if we locked a woman in a small apartment with her husband and her ex? And what if the latter was also accused of stealing and hiding an insane amount of money? Is the „first cut“ really the deepest, especially when it involves amounts numbering in millions?
Man viskas gerai

Man viskas gerai

Oct 09, 2021
Maria returns to her former life after checking herself out of a rehabilitation clinic where she was being treated for panic attacks. To gain back her position as lead researcher and convince her family she is fine, she hides her breakdowns, which manifest themselves as crazy hallucinations. However, hiding her special condition while also competing for a neuroscience project and the love of her family proves to be more difficult than she’d thought.
Gautas iškvietimas

Gautas iškvietimas

Mar 04, 2016
Black comedy "What's Your Emergency?" is a mockumentary style story about the police headquarters. Redundancy intimidate officials are working diligently as ever, but the call-outs this month will not give them a break. Moreover, one of the officials gets caught in the workplace-using stolen and evidence room kept drugs. Explosions, shootings, helicopters, love, erotic, music stars, movie stars and much more.


Mar 18, 1991
Summer 1940, Lithuania is already occupied by the Soviets. In the interrogation underground, interrogator Pijus Karpavičius is nervously smoking, while in another room two arrested people meet - priest Antanas and Kazys, the leader of the still-organising anti-Soviet underground.


Nov 03, 2023
A large mansion with centuries of history is home to a wealthy but very conservative family that still chooses the grooms for brides-to-be. One day Milda, trembling with fear, decides to present her next groom to the household.
Ko nežino vyrai

Ko nežino vyrai

Sep 16, 2022
Un éditeur de magazine de mode bien connu, un homme chauvin au franc-parler, est obligé de reconsidérer son point de vue quand un matin il se réveille en femme.


Nov 04, 2022
A group of classmates celebrate their graduation in an isolated place about which a sinister story is told.
Vardas tamsoje

Vardas tamsoje

Oct 11, 2013
A small town investigator's memories about a tragic love for her music teacher always come back. After the town is shaken by a teenage girl murder, where the main suspect is her ex-lover, investigator is taking the case.
Jau puiku, tik dar šiek tiek
The year 1992. Lithuania is already independent. One day at her workplace a factory worker Danguole wins the SPECIAL prize . This means she will be entitled to welcome an American press-photographer who is coming to Lithuania in three days. She and her family are to represent the New Lithuania to the world in a photo reportage to be issued. This way the factory worker Danguole becomes a kind of a Lithuanian ambassador. Obviously, everything she owns is dated, soviet-tinged and cannot represent anything. The New Lithuania should be newly fashioned. The problem is... what exactly does the 'newly fashioned' mean?
Zero III

Zero III

Jan 27, 2017
An outrageous crime - action - comedy examining corruption and greed in Lithuanian politics.
Les Insurgés

Les Insurgés

Dec 31, 2008
En 1941, les armées d'Hitler envahissent l'Europe. Leur implacable progression coûte la vie à des millions de juifs. Pour trois hommes, cette tragédie marque le début d'une guerre dans la guerre. Lorsque leur petit village d'Europe de l'Est est envahi, les frères Bielski se réfugient dans une profonde forêt qu'ils connaissent depuis leur enfance. Ils se contentent d'abord de survivre mais la rumeur de leur exploit se répand et d'autres les rejoignent, hommes et femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes, prêts à tout risquer pour rester vivants et libres. Peu à peu, les trois frères vont recueillir des centaines de pourchassés et contrecarrer les plans de leurs redoutables attaquants. Face à l'adversité, au nom de ceux qu'ils ont perdu, ils vont sauver plus d'un millier de vies...
Warrior Angels

Warrior Angels

Oct 11, 2002
L'an de grâce 1191. De retour de la troisième croisade, la belle et vaillante Elizabeth de Cooke découvre ses terres à feu et à sang, ravagée par le brutal Grekkor, un seigneur de la guerre qui tient également captif son fils Peter. Pour Elizabeth commence alors une longue et dangereuse quête pour arracher Peter à l'emprise d'un tyran qui considère désormais le jeune prisonnier comme son héritier.


Jan 16, 2025
A daughter tries to organise her deceased mother’s funeral during the pandemic. Despite her efforts to stick to the tradition as much as possible in order to avoid malicious gossip from the relatives, the wake spirals into chaos.
Kulminacijos nebus

Kulminacijos nebus

Jan 16, 2025
Julia, a promising twelfth-grade violinist who has suffered emotional abuse from her special education teacher for years, finally dares to fight back when the teacher keeps on her playing before a competition performance. The teacher quickly quells her resistance with threats and pushing, but as she is about to leave the classroom, Julia has an idea. When Julia goes to take the stage, the teacher pushes Julia to go for it.