Joe Mafela

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Jan 01, 1975
A powerful story of a small boy who puts up a struggle against all odds of life. He wins through to become top surgeon. Even this has it's problems.
Parole d'homme

Parole d'homme

Apr 12, 1976
1914. Le monde chemine vers la guerre. Dans un de ses recoins les moins convoités, à Zanzibar, un vieil aventurier, O'Flynn, se dispose à aller massacrer de l'éléphant sur les terres de son vieil ennemi, l'Allemand Fleischer. Il s'adjoint les services d'un aristocrate britannique fourvoyé au fin fond de l'Afrique, Oldsmith, et réalise une assez bonne prise jusqu'à ce que Fleischer n'envoie par le fond son navire et sa cargaison d'ivoire. O'Flynn a toutes les peines du monde à ramener Oldsmith, pétrifié par la fièvre, dans sa propriété, où sa fille, l'énergique Rosa, lui prodigue des soins dévoués. À peine remis sur pieds, Oldsmith accompagne O'Flynn dans une expédition punitive...
Escape from Angola

Escape from Angola

Jan 01, 1976
Adventure - Moving to the unspoiled terrain of Africa was a risk the Mallory family survived. This family of animal trainers soon find themselves in a desperate struggle for their lives after their truck breaks down deep in the African bush. They split up to search for help, only to find themselves face to face with some of the most dangerous wild animals in Africa: crocodiles, cobras and other deadly beasts. - Stan Brock, Anne Collings, Steven Tors
Le Putsch des Mercenaires
Une guerre sanglante oppose Blancs et Noirs, en Rhodésie. Un trafiquant d'armes, Davis Swansey, veut tenter de récupérer une cargaison d'hélicoptères en provenance des States via l'Allemagne. Mais les rebelles montent une action militaire contre l'aéroport principal pour empêcher la transaction...


Jan 01, 1978
A young woman, Thembisile Khumalo is married to minister Zipho Khumalo. Thembisile is tired of the lifestyle the church offers and wants to go out and have fun. She soon meets troublemaker Johnny, brother to her friend Nancy. They fall in love and start an affair, which leads to a great deal of trouble.


Jan 01, 1977
South African Film
Madam & Eve

Madam & Eve

Aug 01, 2005
Madam & Eve is a South African television sitcom based on the comic strip Madam and Eve created by S. Francis, H. Dugmore and Rico which takes a humorous look at the unique relationship between two South African women as they reach out to each other – across the kitchen – in the new South Africa.
Madam & Eve

Madam & Eve

Jul 08, 2012
Stokvel is a South African television sitcom set in the vibrant and exciting world of stokvels, where friends meet for companionship, good times and a social way of saving money.