Oleg Garbuz

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Jun 06, 2010
В загадочное имение графа Владимира Пазуркевича прибывает Николай Казанцев — молодой человек, намеревающийся учиться изобразительному искусству в Италии, однако, не имея средств, рискнувший на авантюру! Представившись профессором, Казанцев старается убедительно делать вид, что изучает обширную библиотеку графа, параллельно успевая активно приударять за невестой Пазуркевича, красавицей Анной. Странные события, происходящие в имении, втягивают гостя в водоворот мистической и жуткой истории…
Комната с видом на огни
One day, Anna was betrayed by everyone she sincerely loved and considered her loved ones. Her husband, colleagues, and friends turned away from the unhappy woman overnight. Desperate, the heroine wrote a suicide note, indicating in it the names of all those who brought her to this state, and decided to commit suicide. However, the doctors managed to save the patient...
Green Border

Green Border

Sep 22, 2023
Dans les forêts dangereuses et marécageuses qui constituent la « frontière verte » entre la Biélorussie et la Pologne, les réfugiés du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique qui tentent d’atteindre l’Union européenne sont piégés dans une crise géopolitique cyniquement orchestrée par le dictateur biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko. Dans une tentative de provoquer l’Europe, les réfugiés sont attirés vers la frontière par une propagande promettant un passage facile vers l’UE. Pions de cette guerre cachée, les vies de Julia, une nouvelle militante qui a renoncé à sa vie confortable, de Jan, un jeune garde-frontière, et d'une famille syrienne s'entremêlent.
Pod szarym niebem

Pod szarym niebem

Jun 07, 2024
Based on true events, a Belarusian journalist is arrested after covertly livestreaming brutal government crackdowns on peaceful demonstrators following rigged elections. Her husband, refusing to leave her, also faces recriminations from a regime determined to break them both.


Aug 21, 2021
Ogurtsova, 55, lives with her mother and loves Russia with all her heart. Her decision to serve in the country's election unexpectedly leads to her mother's death.


Nov 19, 2022
What will happen if the processes that are currently taking place in Belarus and with Belarusians do not stop and reach the point of absurdity? The processes of social disunity, the habit of everyday fear in some, and the impunity of others. The processes of internal migration and reinforcement of self-censorship, the reign of nonsense and meaninglessness. The process of destruction and simultaneous revival of the Belarusian language and culture. The processes of denigration of human dignity and creation of those guilty without the proof of their guilt. Processes of inflating militaristic sentiments and hatred of foreigners and dissenters. The process of Russia’s taking over Belarus and dragging it into a senseless war.
The Eastern Gate

The Eastern Gate

Feb 28, 2025
À la suite d'un drame personnel, Ewa Oginiec veut quitter les services secrets et prendre un nouveau départ. Les événements prennent une tournure inattendue lorsque son partenaire, également agent, est démasqué par les services secrets russes et disparaît mystérieusement...
War & Politics