Pat Ryan

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The Long Arm

The Long Arm

Jun 01, 1956
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Hold-up a Londres

Hold-up a Londres

Apr 15, 1960
Récemment mis à la retraite, le lieutenant-colonel Hyde décide de se venger et réunit sept officiers renvoyés de l'armée pour commettre un casse.
Escape from Broadmoor

Escape from Broadmoor

Nov 30, 1948
A maniac killer returns to the scene of a ten-year-old crime, only to find the ghost of a murdered servant girl waiting to exact her revenge.
Après moi le déluge

Après moi le déluge

Aug 18, 1959
Le naïf Stanley Windrush revient de la guerre avec une seule ambition : réussir dans les affaires. Cependant, à sa grande consternation, il s'aperçoit bien vite qu'il lui faut démarrer au bas de l'échelle et gravir les échelons un par un pour arriver à ses fins, et qu'aussi bien la direction que les syndicats se servent de lui dans leur lutte pour le pouvoir.
Carry On Girls

Carry On Girls

Nov 09, 1973
Local councillor Sidney Fiddler persuades the Mayor to help improve the image of their rundown seaside town by holding a beauty contest. But formidable Councillor Prodworthy, head of the local women's liberation movement, has other ideas. It's open warfare as the women's lib attempt to sabotage the contest.
The Hide-Out

The Hide-Out

Dec 01, 1956
An insurance investigator in London attempts to thwart smugglers trafficking stolen lambskins infected with anthrax.
The Third Alibi

The Third Alibi

Mar 15, 1961
A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.
Dangerous Cargo

Dangerous Cargo

May 01, 1954
Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it.
Radio Cab Murder

Radio Cab Murder

Oct 01, 1954
Fred Martin, a taxi driver who is a reformed convict, is used by the police to go undercover in order to help catch a gang of safe robbers. However things start to go wrong when the police stake out the wrong bank and Fred finds himself alone with the crooks.
Les diamants sont éternels
James Bond se lance à la recherche d'un trafiquant de diamants, à Amsterdam, et se retrouve face au terrifiant Blofeld. Ce dernier est en passe de finir la construction d'un gigantesque laser d'une puissance terrifiante, à l'aide de tous les diamants qu'il a rassemblés, pour détruire Washington.
Top Secret !

Top Secret !

Jun 08, 1984
Nick Rivers, une star américaine du rock and roll, participe à Berlin-Est à un festival culturel international. Ce rassemblement est en fait l’instrument d’un complot fomenté par un groupe de néo-nazis nostalgiques. Nick participe, à sa façon, à la résistance qui s’organise.
Double Confession

Double Confession

Apr 30, 1950
The hero discovers his estranged wife dead and tries to frame her lover for the murder. He becomes involved with the criminals who make various unsuccessful attempts on his life while the police clear up the mystery.
La Souris qui rugissait
Le duché de Fenwick, modeste Etat d'Europe, exporte son vin aux Etats-Unis. Quand un businessman décide de fabriquer une contrefaçon de ce délicat breuvage, c'est la ruine pour le duché. Mobilisation générale, déclaration de guerre. Une centaine d'archers sont dépêchés vers le Nouveau Monde. Ils arrivent a New York en pleine alerte atomique et leur tenue ahurissante les fait prendre pour des Martiens.
The Iron Maiden

The Iron Maiden

Jun 07, 1963
The film follows Jack Hopkins, an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher. The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
No Kidding

No Kidding

Nov 01, 1960
A young couple, David and Catherine Robinson, has to turn their large country house into a money-making proposition. Their solution is to invite the kids of the rich and famous to spend a summer enjoying all the loving care and attention they miss at home. After the youngsters arrive, David quickly realizes what the offensive little punks need is some real discipline, and so the summer begins.
Un brin d'escroquerie

Un brin d'escroquerie

Feb 04, 1960
Max Easton, ancien sous-marinier, est de retour à terre. Le commandeur végète désormais à l'Amirauté. Sir Charles Holland doit, lui, être nommé ambassadeur à Bruxelles. Sa superbe fiancée, Virginia Killain, le rejoint. Max ne résiste pas aux charmes de la belle Américaine, dont il s'éprend presque aussitôt. Las, sa fortune se réduit à quelques pièces de monnaie, contrairement à celle de son rival. De plus, il n'a aucune situation. Max ne se le tient pas pour dit et se met en quête d'un moyen d'éveiller l'attention de Virginia. Un plan infaillible émerge bientôt de son imagination débordante...
Un soir de rixe

Un soir de rixe

Feb 05, 1945
Pendant le Blitz , à Londres, un soldat se démobilise pour retrouver sa femme séduite par un voyou.
The Passionate Stranger
Judith Wynter is a happily married novelist whose romantic works are eagerly devoured by scores of female readers. When Carlo, a handsome young Italian chauffeur, arrives to work for Judith and her husband, a professor currently recovering from an attack of paralysis, he causes quite a flutter; when he then reads the manuscript of Judith's latest novel, he jumps to a rather unfortunate conclusion... and life in the Wynter household becomes very complicated indeed!