Bedri Çavusoglu

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İntikam Uğruna

İntikam Uğruna

Jul 13, 1966
Sedat is a taxi driver. One night he helps robber without knowing. Then he is arrested in despite of his innocence. When he gets out from prison he takes an oath to revenge but one woman changes everything.
Esir Kuş

Esir Kuş

Jan 01, 1962
A triple love story between Mine (Nebahat Çehre), the owner of the farm in the deserted lake valley, and pilot Mazhar (Samim Meriç), whom she had to marry due to the threat of death in the air, and her childhood sweetheart, her aunt's son Ümit (Göksel Arsoy).
Bons baisers de Russie
Venise, Kronsteen, grand champion d'échecs et membre du Spectre, a été chargé par Blofeld de rallumer la guerre froide entre l'Est et l'Ouest. Avec l'aide de Rosa Klebb, ex-chef des services secrets soviétiques, il a mis au point une stratégie qui passe par Istanbul et le vol du nouveau lecteur de déchiffrement soviétique. Persuadé que les britanniques vont mordre à l'hameçon qu'il leur tend et qu'ils vont envoyer sur place James Bond, il charge Klebb de recruter une jeune femme au sein du consulat russe, dont le rôle sera de séduire Bond, de l'aider à s'emparer du lecteur et de le livrer à un redoutable tueur, Red Grant. La première partie du plan de Kronsteen se déroule sans anicroche. Bond arrive à Istanbul et y rencontre Kerim Bey qui dirige les services de renseignements britanniques en Turquie. Il apprend ainsi que Tatiana Romanova est prête à passer à l'Ouest en leur donnant le lecteur.
Kadın Berberi

Kadın Berberi

Jan 01, 1964
Lale is the only daughter of a wealthy family and inherits all her parents' money and property. On a boat tour, she meets Erol the hair dresser. In the beginning they feel attracted to each other but all this ends as she belittles him for his job. Erol's customers are all his fans. Lale calls Erol home, introducing her maid Suna as the landlady while she takes the role of a pedicurist. Erol and Lale get together again yet this time her cousin Cemil wants to marry her to share her wealth. Cemil tells Erol about it so, he leaves Lale. Cemil and his mother make a plot to kill Lale. Luckily Suna has been eavesdropping and informs Erol right away. Erol reaches home just before Cemil poisons Lale and saves her. The police arrest Cemil. Cemil's mother drinks the poisoned milk, which she has prepared for Lale. In the end Lale and Erol, Suna and Erol's friend Tayfur marry.
Namus Uğruna

Namus Uğruna

Jan 01, 1960
A young taxi-driver tries to make his newly married wife happy and joyful. But the wife, seduced by luxury and class, thinks otherwise and it leads to bad outcomes.