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KTV: Killing Time Violently
Reunites Select ‘Jailbreak’ Cast And Crew For New Action Thriller. Mack is a widower who likes to cause trouble in the bar, and on the first day of his career he was trapped in a KTV full of killer players. He has to deal with stressful situations to survive to attend his son's birthday.
The Forest Whispers

The Forest Whispers

Oct 07, 2016
An isolated village affected by a curse is facing misery and it has been condemned to an undeniable fate. The uncompromising commune chief who has ruled the village for years has denied the request of his people to migrate to other lands in search of better luck. He took away their only lifeline: Hope. But one night, the prayers of a spiritual leader are heard by a mighty tree in the forest. The following day, a young mysterious woman appears on a nearby river shore. To the surprise of the villagers, the chief decides to give her a seven-day trial to see if she could be useful to the community. From that day on, a series of strange events began to happen, leaving the villagers to wonder whether if this strange woman is their savior or their executioner.


Jan 31, 2017
On a enfin mis la main au collet de Playboy, un criminel hautement recherché qui doit maintenant être transporté dans une prison à sécurité maximale. Une tâche plutôt banale pour Dara et son équipe. Pour s’assurer que tout se déroule sans anicroche, ils seront accompagnés dans leur mission par un officier de la police française. Malheureusement, ce qui devait être une opération simple se transforme rapidement en un véritable champ de bataille lorsqu’ils se retrouvent prisonniers d’une émeute à l’intérieur du pénitencier. Ce magnifique chaos est en fait une diversion orchestrée par Madame Butterfly, la chef d’un puissant groupe criminel, afin de sortir Playboy de prison avant qu’il ne parle trop.
The Prey

The Prey

Oct 05, 2018
Un innocent condamné à pourrir dans une prison cambodgienne est libéré pour le plaisir sadique de chasseurs de trophées tordus et forcé de se battre - ou de mourir.
KTV: Killing Time Violently
Reunites Select ‘Jailbreak’ Cast And Crew For New Action Thriller. Mack is a widower who likes to cause trouble in the bar, and on the first day of his career he was trapped in a KTV full of killer players. He has to deal with stressful situations to survive to attend his son's birthday.