Tap Canutt

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La foire aux illusions
A la veille d'un comice agricole, un père de famille n'a qu'une seule idée en tête : primer son cochon. Mais les enfants pensent à autre chose...


Oct 23, 1960
En février 1836, le général Sam Houston, qui commande les Texans révoltés contre l'autorité mexicaine, est poursuivi par les troupes du général Santa Anna. Il passe le Rio Grande pour former une armée et confie au Colonel Travis le soin d'arrêter Santa Anna le plus longtemps possible. Dans le fort Alamo, Travis rentre en conflit avec James Bowie, alcoolique et insubordonné. Davy Crockett doit souvent s'interposer entre les deux hommes. Travis attend un important renfort, mais celui-ci est intercepté par Santa Anna. La garnison ne peut compter que sur elle-même, et les hommes de Travis comprennent qu'ils sont condamnés à périr sous les assauts des Mexicains…
La Horde sauvage

La Horde sauvage

Jun 19, 1969
En 1914, Pike Bishop et sa bande entrent dans San Rafael, une petite ville du Texas, déguisés en cavaliers de l'US Cavalry. Ensemble, ils se dirigent vers la gare pour y dérober la paie des employés du chemin de fer. Ils ignorent que Thornton, autrefois leur complice, aujourd'hui leur pire ennemi, les y attend, chargé par la direction des chemins de fer de leur tendre une embuscade. L'affaire tourne à la fusillade. Des dizaines d'innocents y laissent la vie. Pike, qui a perdu quelques hommes dans l'affaire, n'est pas satisfait. Il accepte l'offre d'un général mexicain, Mapache, qui lui demande d'attaquer un train rempli d'or et de munitions.
Les cowboys

Les cowboys

Jan 13, 1972
Will Andersen, éleveur de bétail, est lâché par ses hommes, partis chercher de l'or. Pour convoyer un troupeau, il se trouve contraint d'embaucher des adolescents inexpérimentés. En route, ils sont attaqués par la bande de "Long Hair". Andersen est assassiné et les jeunes cowboys, livrés à eux-mêmes, décident de récupérer le troupeau volé, de venger leur patron et de poursuivre le convoyage.
The Master Gunfighter

The Master Gunfighter

Oct 03, 1975
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.


Oct 25, 1967
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Planète Terre

Planète Terre

Apr 23, 1974
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Science Fiction
Le Cid

Le Cid

Oct 24, 1961
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Joe Kidd

Joe Kidd

Jul 19, 1972
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
La Loi du Seigneur

La Loi du Seigneur

Nov 25, 1956
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Les Géants de l'Ouest
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
La Fureur sauvage

La Fureur sauvage

Jun 01, 1980
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Cat Ballou

Cat Ballou

Jun 24, 1965
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Le Seigneur de la Guerre
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.
Rio Lobo

Rio Lobo

Apr 01, 1970
Don Santiago (Richard Angarola) is a vicious man who helps provoke an Indian massacre that will allow him to steal the Indians' land and claim it as his own. However, his son-in-law, Finley (Tom Laughlin), is an expert hand with both guns and swords and will not allow him to push around the peace-loving Indians or fellow settlers of the West.