Bogusława Schubert

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La Double Vie de Véronique
Il y a 20 ans dans deux villes différentes (en France et en Pologne) naquirent deux petites filles pareilles. Elles n'ont rien en commun, ni père, ni mère, ni grands parents, et leurs familles ne se sont jamais connues. Pourtant elles sont identiques : toutes deux gauchères, aiment marcher les pieds nus, et le contact d'un anneau d'or sur leurs paupières. Et surtout, toutes deux ont une voix magnifique, sublime, un sens musical absolu, et la même malformation cardiaque difficilement détectable. L'une profitera des expériences et de la sagesse de l'autre sans le savoir. Comme si chaque fois que la première se blessait avec un objet la seconde évitait le contact de ce même objet. C'est une histoire d'amour, simple et émouvante. L'histoire d'une vie qui continue, quittant un être pour se perpétuer dans le corps et l'âme d'un autre être.
Le brasier

Le brasier

May 26, 1991
All of Europe was affected by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but some parts were hurt less badly than others. France, for instance, was relatively prosperous. In this grim drama, a sturdy Polish boxer and his family have settled into a mining town in northern France because that's where the work is. Like European "guest workers" in the 1990s, the Polish immigrants then were frequently treated badly by the locals. In this drama, the romantic aspirations of the boxer's son are thwarted by the concerted efforts of the local men and his own family's preference that he marry another Polish girl. After his romance fails, the son becomes a union activist and sacrifices a great deal to try to gain higher wages for the miners, but the contract he works out is reneged on by the duplicitous owners.


Sep 15, 2009
A story about love and hatred, about those who cheat and who are cheated, about violence and sex and surprising secrets which we learn within these strange twenty four hours.


Nov 08, 2024
About Ela a rebellious artist struggling with the deep gray everyday life of Poland in the 1980's, including family problems and personal demons originating in bipolar disorder.
Le complot

Le complot

Sep 07, 1988
Film-fiction inspiré par l'histoire de Popielusko, prêtre polonais idealiste et fervent militant du mouvement Solidarnosc, arrêté et tue par la Police Secrete en 1984.
Pora na czarownice

Pora na czarownice

Feb 28, 1994
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
Julie Walking Home

Julie Walking Home

Sep 04, 2002
Julie's son is dying of cancer and her marriage falling apart. She goes to Poland in search of a man who can heal using his hands. Julie finds not only a magical cure for her son, but also comes across a love so pure it begins to heal the aching in her heart.
Dziadku, wiejemy!

Dziadku, wiejemy!

May 16, 2025
Your crazy grandpa is the best, but your dad hates him. He doesn’t believe you can talk to real dragons, either.  This leaves you no choice: you have to run away, free grandpa from a retirement home and hit the road.  It seems only grandpa’s legendary boat can stop this chaos and save the family. A story that could happen to (almost) any family.
33 scènes de la vie

33 scènes de la vie

Aug 10, 2008
Photographe au succès grandissant, Julia, 30 ans, a tout pour être heureuse. Son mari, compositeur reconnu, sa mère, auteure de romans policiers, et son père, cinéaste, forment une famille unie autour d'elle. Mais le jour où sa mère leur apprend qu'elle est atteinte d'un cancer, cet équilibre vole en éclats. Son père trouve du réconfort dans l'alcool, tandis que son mari, souvent absent, se révèle impuissant à la soutenir. Pour surmonter cette terrible épreuve, Julia devra assumer ses décisions et ne compter que sur elle-même. Face à l'ébranlement ressenti, Julia choisi le rire comme exutoire...


Mar 26, 2010
Lazowski, an expelled university student, investigates the supposed suicide of the famous artist Witkacy and tries to prove that the artist is in fact still alive.
Europa, Europa

Europa, Europa

Nov 14, 1990
Inspiré des Mémoires de Sally Perel, "Europa Europa" raconte l'itinéraire d'un jeune juif contraint pendant la guerre d'épouser l'idéologie communiste lorsqu'il fuit en Union soviétique, puis celle du nazisme lorsque les Allemands envahissent l'orphelinat où il est refugié. Il en oublie sa propre identité et, pour sauvegarder sa vie, devient même le meilleur élément d'une école d'élite pour la jeunesse allemande.
Swing troubadour

Swing troubadour

Jul 24, 1991
In Brazzaville, in 1944, Alex Emmerich was sentenced to wander the seas by Hélène Latray, the wife of Félix Beauvois, the man Alex loved. In 1962, exiled on Hatray cruises and feeling the coming death, Alex decides to compose for his love a testament: the photographic report of his agony.
Riens du tout

Riens du tout

Nov 11, 1992
La vie d'un grand magasin parisien, les Grandes Galeries, dirigé par un nouveau PDG, M. Lepetit, qui va chercher à rentabiliser l'entreprise en basant sa politique sur le facteur humain.
Dans la tourmente

Dans la tourmente

Sep 18, 2009
Durant le règne de terreur de Staline, Eugenia Ginzburg, un professeur de littérature, est reconnue coupable d'agitation antisoviétique et condamnée à 10 ans de travaux forcés dans un goulag en Sibérie. Ayant perdu mari, enfants et maison, la jeune femme se laisse aller à des idées sombres et morbides. Pourtant, sur place, elle rencontre le Dr Anton Walter, médecin du camp, qui la prend sous son aile et fait naître une lueur d'espoir dans l'enfer qui est son quotidien.
Maraton tańca

Maraton tańca

Jun 17, 2011
An event, which main attraction is the dance marathon, has gathered crowds at the market square of the provincial Polish town. Impressive prizes compete with another attraction: the concert of the star singer Jessica. A local outsider Christian falls for the singer. Soon he discovers that her life is far from being a dream and decides to win her heart. In the crowd of marathon contestants we will meet many individuals who dream of winning the main prize for various motivations. Who will turn out to be the winner? Will there be a prize at all? Because two small-time crooks, Simon and Silvio, are lurking around. And why this persistent notion that our life is so often influenced by miracles...?


Dec 01, 2007
Ekipa is a Polish political drama TV series created and directed by Agnieszka Holland, aired from 13 September 2007 until 6 December 2007 on Polsat. Ekipa is the second Polish political fiction series after the 1980s miniseries The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma.


Mar 09, 2008
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officers encounter on a daily basis. They're not just tracking down murderers. They fight racketeering, kidnapping, drug trafficking while struggling with their own day to day life and problems.