Jon Shepodd

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Attaque !

Attaque !

Sep 19, 1956
Le lieutenant Harold Woodruff fait part au lieutenant-colonel Clyde Bartlett des problèmes de commandement du capitaine Cooney et lui demande de le relever de ses fonctions afin d'éviter qu'il ne mène à la mort d'autres soldats par son incompétence. Le colonel lui répond qu'il ne peut faire sans Cooney et lui assure qu'en tout état de cause les hommes ne devraient pas repartir au front. La véritable raison qui pousse Bartlett à garder Cooney est que le père de ce dernier est juge, son appui pourrait s'avérer utile pour sa propre carrière politique. Woodruff rend compte de sa discussion avec le colonel au lieutenant Costa qui reste dubitatif. De fait, un ordre du quartier général tombe : le régiment est mobilisé pour un assaut sur la ville de Nelle.
Racket dans la couture
A la fin de son service militaire, Alan Mitchell entre dans l'usine de vêtements dirigée par son père, Walter, dont l'associé est mort mystérieusement. Alan découvre que l'industrie de vêtements de Manhattan veut racheter l'entreprise familiale et que Walter, pour se protéger, a fait appel à un chef de gang, Artie Ravidge...
Le Repaire De L'aigle Noir
Une unité de cavalerie commandée par le lieutenant Niles Ord attaque un camp Shoshone, pensant y capturer leur chef Aigle Noir. Celui-ci galvanise les tribus indiennes des alentours afin qu'elles se coordonnent pour chasser les soldats du fort. Mais Ord et ses hommes ne trouvent que des squaws dans le camp, dont la future épouse du chef, Petite biche. De retour au fort avec la captive indienne, Ord apprend que le major Dane, nouveau venu dans la région, a pris le commandement de la garnison. Très strict avec le règlement, mais sans connaissances des indiens, Dane commet des erreurs mortelles pour ses hommes, et le lieutenant va rentrer en conflit avec lui. De son côté, Aigle Noir monte en puissance, prêt à lancer ses braves à l'assaut du fort......
The Power of the Resurrection
A young man, Facing torture and possibly death for his Christian beliefs, confesses his fears to Peter, who awaits a similar fate. Peter tells him of fear he felt in following Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethesamene, when he denied knowing him three times - and yet Jesus told him that he would be the rock upon which the Church was built. Peter goes on to relate the events of the passion week, including the Christ's crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.
Qu'est-il arrivé à Baby Jane ?
Au temps du cinéma muet, "Baby" Jane est une grande star, une des premières enfants prodiges. Sa soeur Blanche, timide et réservée, reste dans l'ombre. Dans les années 30, les rôles sont inversés, Blanche est une grande vedette, Jane est oubliée. Désormais, bien des années après, elles vivent en commun une double névrose. Blanche, victime d'un mystérieux accident, est infirme et semble tout accepter d'une soeur transformée en infirmière sadique qui multiplie les mauvais traitements...
I'll Give My Life

I'll Give My Life

Feb 03, 1960
This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry.
Gunsmoke Police Des Plaines
Gunsmoke est une série dramatique américaine de radio et de télévision créée par le réalisateur Norman MacDonnell et l'écrivain John Meston. Les histoires se déroulent dans et autour de Dodge City au Kansas, pendant la colonisation de l'Ouest américain. Le personnage central est le maréchal Matt Dillon, joué par William Conrad à la radio et par James Arness à la télévision.


Mar 24, 1973
Lassie, un collet, est adopté par la famille Miller, des fermiers dont le fils Jeff devient vite le meilleur ami de l'animal. Le chien et l'enfant grandissent au travers d'aventures tantôt drôles, tantôt touchantes.
Action & Adventure
The Millionaire

The Millionaire

Jun 07, 1960
An anthology series that explored the ways sudden and unexpected wealth changed life for better or for worse. It told the stories of people who were given one million dollars from a benefactor who insisted they never know him, with one exception.
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season.
Alcoa Theatre

Alcoa Theatre

May 16, 1960
Alcoa Theatre is a half-hour American anthology series telecast on NBC at 9:30 pm on alternate Monday nights from October 7, 1957 to September 16, 1960. The program also aired under the title Turn of Fate, with the stories depicting the difficulties faced by individuals who are suddenly thrust into unexpected and perilous dangers. Alcoa Theatre was syndicated together with Goodyear Theatre as Award Theatre. In 1955, The Alcoa Hour premiered in a one-hour format aired on Sunday nights, but it was reduced to 30 minutes, retitled Alcoa Theatre, and moved to Monday evening in 1957. The show employed an alternating rotating company of actors: David Niven, Robert Ryan, Jane Powell, Jack Lemmon and Charles Boyer. Each appeared in dramatic and light comedic roles through the first season.
Men Into Space

Men Into Space

Sep 14, 1960
Men Into Space is an American science-fiction television series broadcast from September 30, 1959 to September 7, 1960 by CBS which depicted future efforts by the United States Air Force to explore and develop outer space. The black-and-white filmed show starred William Lundigan as Col. Edward McCauley.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Navy Log

Navy Log

Sep 11, 1958
Navy Log is an American drama anthology series that initially aired for one season on CBS. It relates the greatest survival war stories in the history of the United States Navy. This series premiered on September 20, 1955, but the following year, it was moved to ABC, where it aired until September 25, 1958. The program aired for a total of three seasons and 102 episodes.
War & Politics
Wire Service

Wire Service

Jun 17, 1957
Wire Service is an American drama series that aired on ABC as part of its 1956-57 season lineup.
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars is an anthology series that was telecast from 1951 until 1959 on CBS. Offering both comedies and drama, the series was sponsored by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. The title was shortened to Schlitz Playhouse, beginning with the fall 1957 season.
Four Star Playhouse

Four Star Playhouse

Jul 26, 1956
Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956, sponsored in its first bi-weekly season by The Singer Company; Bristol-Myers became an alternate sponsor when it became a weekly series in the fall of 1953. The original premise was that Charles Boyer, Ida Lupino, David Niven, and Dick Powell would take turns starring in episodes. However, several other performers took the lead from time to time, including Ronald Colman and Joan Fontaine. Blake Edwards was among the writers and directors who contributed to the series. Edwards created the recurring character of illegal gambling house operator Willie Dante for Dick Powell to play on this series. The character was later revamped and spun off in his own series starring Howard Duff, then-husband of Lupino. The pilot for Meet McGraw, starring Frank Lovejoy, aired here, as did another episode in which Lovejoy recreated his role of Chicago newspaper reporter Randy Stone, from the radio drama Nightbeat.


May 10, 1965
Suite d' "Alfred Hitchcock présente", cette série est une anthologie de petites histoires noires.