Struggling with drug addiction in modern-day New York City, an artist and his best friend complete a spiritual journey started 140 years earlier on the Underground Railroad.
A FAVOR FOR JERRY follows Khan (Khan Baykal, ALWAYS SHINE, THE HAPPY HOUSE) as he crosses NYC filling in for a pot-dealing friend on election day. Shot in real time on November 8 2016, the film freely mixes documentary and narrative elements. As events unfold, the actors directly incorporate the moment into their performances and what begins as backdrop increasingly takes center stage.
American Crime Story est une série d'anthologie qui retranscrit à chaque saison, avec la plus grande fidélité possible, une affaire judiciaire ayant défrayé la chronique aux États-Unis.
Saison 1 : L’affaire O.J. Simpson
Saison 2 : L’assassinat de Gianni Versace
Saison 3 : La destitution de Bill Clinton