Aidan Cullen

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Surviving The Wild

Surviving The Wild

Jan 05, 2018
Against the wishes of his parents (who are in the midst of a messy divorce), a young boy steals the ashes of his dead Grandfather and runs away into the wilderness with his dog. The boy is determined to fulfill his beloved Grandpa's dying wishes and spread his ashes atop a remote mountain. Along the treacherous journey, the boy and the dog are accompanied by the ghost of his Grandpa, who helps them on their journey, brings the family back together and gives the boy one last chance to say goodbye.


Apr 12, 2019
Mère de trois enfants, Maya DiMeo déploie une énergie folle pour que JJ, son fils aîné souffrant d'infirmité motrice cérébrale, puisse grandir en bébéficiant des meilleurs soins. Alors que toute la famille s'apprête à déménager pour la énième fois, JJ noue une relation privilégiée avec Kenneth, le concierge de l'école, auquel il demande d'être son aide-soignant...
Mr. Robinson

Mr. Robinson

Aug 19, 2015
Centers on a rough-edged musician Craig, who's adjusting to his new life as a music teacher in a big-city middle school where he encounters teacher politics and the temptations of single moms.