Juan José Mosalini

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Das Autogramm

Das Autogramm

Feb 25, 1984
The bandoneon player Daniel and the boxer Toni arrive independently from each other in a provincial town in Latin America where they are booked to perform at a folk festival. Both of them are completely apolitical but are forced by external circumstances to take a political position. Toni falls in love with the daughter of an influential attorney but has to keep his love a secret. Meanwhile, Daniel learns about the atrocities committed by the Junta from the town’s residents.
L'Enfance volée

L'Enfance volée

Nov 03, 2011
L'orphelin Max est confié aux Bösiger, une famille de paysans suisses. Il est traité par sa famille d'accueil comme une bête de somme et est constamment humilié par Jakob, le fils de la famille. L'accordéon est la seule chose dont personne ne peut le priver. Quand la nouvelle institutrice du village décide de le soutenir, la vie de Max ne fait qu'empirer. La seule chose qui préserve sa volonté de survie est l'amitié qui le lie à Berteli, elle aussi une enfant placée. Avec elle, Max rêve de partir en Argentine, dans un univers fantastique où, à ce qu'il paraît, même les fourches sont en argent. L'Enfance Volée est une histoire simple et brutale qui condamne l'injustice, le silence et la violence des hommes. Le film parle également de passion et de rêves au travers de l'amour que Max éprouve pour la musique et son accordéon. Le jeune garçon s'accroche à son rêve de devenir un jour un grand musicien, un objectif qui lui permet de survivre.
Por Esos Ojos

Por Esos Ojos

Feb 14, 1999
We follow the efforts of Ester Gatti to find her missing granddaughter Mariana Zaffaroni. As a child, Mariana and her parents were kidnapped by a Uruguayan military team. The little girl was taken by an agent in the intelligence service who brought her up as his own daughter. Sixteen years later Ester found Mariana, but the girl chose to go on living with the people who had kidnapped her. This documentary raises questions about identity, memory and the value of truth.
Le 4ème Pouvoir

Le 4ème Pouvoir

Oct 02, 1985
A comic strip detective and a superhero are hired to investigate separatedly the successive murders of CEOs within a real life corporation symbolizing a nation, while subversive groups and members of the establishment lead a war for power.
Das Autogramm

Das Autogramm

Feb 25, 1984
The bandoneon player Daniel and the boxer Toni arrive independently from each other in a provincial town in Latin America where they are booked to perform at a folk festival. Both of them are completely apolitical but are forced by external circumstances to take a political position. Toni falls in love with the daughter of an influential attorney but has to keep his love a secret. Meanwhile, Daniel learns about the atrocities committed by the Junta from the town’s residents.