Beatriz Ramos

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Feb 05, 1953
Le propriétaire Andrès Cabrera veut mettre dehors, pour vendre le terrain, les humbles locataires d'un immeuble qu'il loue. Don Carmelo à leur tête, ces derniers s'y opposent. Cabrera engage un homme de main pour les terroriser. "El Bruto" frappe Don Carmelo si sauvagement que celui-ci succombe à ses blessures. Meche, la fille du défunt, arrive et s'éprend de l'assassin de son père.
La Montée au ciel

La Montée au ciel

Jun 25, 1952
Le jour où il se marie avec Albina, Oliverio apprend que sa mère est mourante. Il décide donc de repartir pour la ville afin de faire traiter le testament par un notaire avant que ses frères véreux ne partagent l'héritage inégalement. Cependant, plusieurs événements surréalistes vont empêcher Oliverio d'arriver à bon port.
Distinto Amanecer

Distinto Amanecer

Nov 18, 1943
Sur ordre du gouverneur Vidal, un dirigeant syndical est assassiné au centre de tri postal de Mexico. Son camarade, Octavio, parvient à s’échapper, mais il est poursuivi par des agents secrets lancés à ses trousses. Il se réfugie dans un cinéma où il rencontre par hasard Julieta, son amour de jeunesse. Cette dernière mène désormais une existence misérable, aux côtés d’un écrivain raté qui était autrefois l’ami d’Octavio. Le couple décide d’aider le fugitif à empêcher que des documents compromettants tombent entre les mains des hommes du gouverneur...
Ojos de juventud

Ojos de juventud

Dec 25, 1948
A bad woman exploits her husband's love. Infidelity, illegitimate children, self-sacrificing fatherhood... Also: Cabarets!
Los de abajo

Los de abajo

Jun 01, 1940
During the Mexican Revolution, the people tired of living in poverty and enduring the atrocities committed by the federals, decide to follow one of their own, General Demetrio Macias, a thief with tricks he learned in jail and who along with "La Pintada" decides to take his people to victory. Led by Captain Anastacio Montañez, the newly formed army fight and honor their code at the same time as they loot houses to spread the wealth.
La gaviota

La gaviota

Feb 24, 1955
Local gal in a fishing/seaport resort has to decide between a local fisherman and a doctor who comes for vacations.
La perla

La perla

Sep 12, 1947
Fisherman Quino and his wife Juana are very poor and desperate because the town's foreign doctor refuses to treat their son Coyotito, who has been bitten by a scorpion. When Quino unexpectedly finds a magnificent pearl in the sea, Juana senses that the discovery will only bring them misfortune and tries to convince her husband to return it to the sea.
El señor fotógrafo

El señor fotógrafo

Sep 02, 1953
Cantinflas, a traveling photographer, is captured by some gangsters while trying to get some flowers for his girlfriend. The gangsters have confused him with the assistant of Dr. Penongo, a scientist who has discovered the formula of a new atomic bomb. Meanwhile, Penongo has suffered a car accident and has lost his memory ...
El misterio del rostro pálido
Dr. Forti carries out strange experiments, assisted by his son Pablo. They embark on an expedition to the jungle. Eight years later Forti returns without his son but strange things start to happen in the old house where they live.
Maria Candelaria

Maria Candelaria

Jan 20, 1944
Un jeune journaliste interroge un vieil artiste sur le portrait d'une indienne nue qu'il a dans son bureau. L'artiste raconte l'histoire de Maria Candelaria, une jeune Indienne rejetée par les siens parce qu'elle était la fille d'une prostituée. Elle est protégée par un jeune Indien, Lorenzo Rafael, qui est tombé amoureux d'elle.
Negra consentida

Negra consentida

Mar 05, 1949
Free-spirited young woman schemes different ways to trying to nudge her spinsterish older sister into falling in love and getting married.
El rapto

El rapto

Apr 23, 1954
In a small Mexican village the news shock neighbors, Ricardo Alfaro, a wealthy local rancher has disappeared without a trace. Taking advantage of the circumstance, Aurora Campos, a strong woman with overwhelming beauty, convinces the authorities to sell her the property in exchange for twelve thousand dollars. Soon after, when Ricardo suddenly reappears, a real battle is about to begin.
La Diablesse

La Diablesse

Jan 28, 1950
A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.
Menores de edad

Menores de edad

Sep 13, 1951
Late-teens girl is trapped into masquerading as a 12 year old. Wacky complications.
Músico, poeta y loco

Músico, poeta y loco

May 08, 1948
An underaged heiress is sent to a reformatory by her unscrupulous guardians to prevent her from fulfilling the conditions of her father's will. Meanwhile, a street-vendor gets mistaken for an eminent psychologist and is hired to teach at that reformatory.


Apr 22, 1953
Mexican love stories follow a dying man, a bullfighter's sister and lovers from feuding villages.


Nov 13, 1953
Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve.
El vestido de novia

El vestido de novia

Jun 18, 1959
A young professional hires a sex-worker to pass as his wife in a situation that requires him to seem married. Later they think about getting married for reals... but mostly they just recite monologues to each other.
Les clameurs se sont tues
Au Mexique, l'amitie entre un jeune paysan et un taureau voue a etre sacrifie dans l'arene. Oscar du meilleur scenario attribue a Robert Rich (pseudonyme de Donald Trumbo).
Ça commence à Vera Cruz
Le lieutenant Halliday est injustement accusé d'avoir dérobé une importante somme d'argent à l'armée. Pour prouver son innocence, il part à la recherche du véritable voleur.