A desperate father, who has recently lost his job accepts the offer from a neafarious old friend to kidnap a pregnant woman for ransom, in order to raise money for his son's urgent surgery.
A desperate businessman romances a rich and successful businesswoman in order to secure himself a huge contract. Things take a completely different turn when he unexpectedly runs into a vengeful ex lover, and discovers an even bigger secret
A newlywed couple become perfect strangers in the home they share together, pettily bickering over the smallest thing to the point that they begin to really resent each other and lose sight of what caused them to fall in love with each other in the first place.Starring Kenneth Okolie, Mary Remmy Njoku, Onyeka Ezejiofor and Stephen Damian.
A highflying fashion designer meets a notorious area boy when her car breaks down in his gang’s territory. At first their meeting seems like a blessing but it quickly turns into something else when he sets up home outside her shop.
A naive Muslim girl is devastated when she falls pregnant and her married lover callously instructs her to abort the child. Her mission is to get back into his good graces, but she is unexpectedly distracted along the way.
A romantically inexperienced career focused young woman is forced into accosting her handsome neighbour with the cunning plot to act the part of her boyfriend when her parents come to town, with unexpected consequences.
When a happily married pregnant woman and her husband throw a baby shower it doubles as a family reunion, and shocking revelations are exposed from those whom it is least expected.
A disgraced village girl finds herself in the midst of a deadly heritage war going on in the palace after she starts a secret affair with the heir apparent to the throne of a great kingdom.