A highly skilled bodyguard avenging his brother's untimely death uncovers a ring of corruption extending to the highest levels of society and government.
Le Kazakhstan, 1729 : les Dzungars, une tribu de Mongols féroces, avance rapidement à travers les steppes, mettant à feu et à sang tous les villages croisés sur leur route. Conduit par la vengeance et son amour pour Zere, le jeune Sartai rassemble un détachement de guerriers Kazakhs afin de s'opposer à cette sanguinaire tribu?
The story of a boy named Bibble and an old musician Kasymkhan, their accidental acquaintance, which grew into a great friendship. The old man becomes a native person for the boy. Bibol realizes in the process of communicating with Kasymkhan that it is only thanks to the spiritual and moral qualities of a person that true happiness can be achieved.
The mafia killed the parents, wife and children of Rashid, who went through the hell of the Afghan war. Having lost his most precious possession and miraculously survived, Asian becomes the sworn enemy of the thugs who control the arms and drug trade.
A new project of Kazakhstani cinematographers under the general direction of Yegor Konchalovsky, which is a feature film. It consists of 10 unrelated film novellas directed by different directors. In its form, the project repeats the French "Paris, I love you", the American "New York, I love you", the Russian "Moscow, I love you!".