Harris Doran

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All For One

All For One

Feb 10, 2017
About an unconventional coach, Jack Wright, who guides an underdog swim team to victory after he abandoned the world of swimming to pursue a career as a comic.


Jul 14, 2012
Junction follows four strung-out meth-addicts who discover a dark secret about a homeowner during a burglary, pitting them not only against the police but against each other.
My Best Day

My Best Day

Jan 21, 2012
Karen can't believe that she has to work her receptionist gig on a gorgeous Fourth of July. Then a call comes from her long-lost father and sets in motion a crazy chain of events that will change one small town forever. Meanwhile, Megan must decide between the stability of her longtime girlfriend and the thrill of a new love. Young Ray fends off bullies and organized sports to woo the girl he likes. In a little burg like this, you’d better believe everything is connected, which means that pretty soon everyone is mixed up in each other’s business.
The Mutineer

The Mutineer

Apr 29, 2017
A group of criminals, fleeing a gun possession charge, take over a farm in rural Appalachia and attempt to secede from the United States.
We're Doing Fine

We're Doing Fine

Sep 29, 2017
Two people from Dayton, Ohio - one who left and one who stayed, meet when both are experiencing the impending loss of a single parent. Their chance encounter redirects the course of their lives.


Jan 18, 2019


Two couples and a surrogate lay bare the complications, contradictions, heartbreak, and absurdities implicit in how we think about motherhood.
Kokomo City

Kokomo City

Jul 28, 2023
A queer, Black, aspiring Baltimore rapper must outwit his vengeful day-job boss in order to avoid getting fired after accidentally eating an edible.
8 Minutes 20 Seconds

8 Minutes 20 Seconds

Apr 05, 2024
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Science Fiction
8 Minutes 20 Seconds

8 Minutes 20 Seconds

Apr 05, 2024
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Science Fiction
Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

Jun 17, 2017
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

Jun 17, 2017
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

Jun 17, 2017
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

Jun 17, 2017
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
8 Minutes 20 Seconds

8 Minutes 20 Seconds

Apr 05, 2024
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Science Fiction
8 Minutes 20 Seconds

8 Minutes 20 Seconds

Apr 05, 2024
Max must race against time to reconcile with his ex-boyfriend for them to be together in Earth's last moments of sun.
Science Fiction


Aug 15, 2019
Une version moderne des aventures de Sherlock Holmes dans le New York contemporain. Renvoyé de Londres en raison de son addiction à l'alcool, Sherlock s'installe à Manhattan où son richissime paternel l'oblige à cohabiter avec son pire cauchemar : une personne sobre chargée de veiller sur lui. Ancienne chirurgienne promise à un bel avenir, Joan Watson a perdu un patient et sa licence trois ans plus tôt. Ce nouvel emploi est pour elle une nouvelle façon d'aider les autres, et surtout une pénitence qu'elle s'impose. Quand Sherlock devient consultant pour la police new-yorkaise, Watson n'a d'autre choix que suivre son irascible « client » lors de ses investigations. Très vite, ils réalisent l'un et l'autre les avantages que peut leur apporter un tel partenariat.
Person of Interest

Person of Interest

Jun 21, 2016
Un agent paramilitaire de la CIA, présumé mort, est recruté par un millionnaire reclu pour travailler sur un projet top-secret : prévenir le crime avant qu'il ne se produise ! Un ingénieux programme élaboré par Finch identifie chaque jour des personnes qui vont être impliquées dans un crime. Victime ou coupable ? Reese va devoir mener l'enquête pour découvrir qui est en danger et empêcher qu'un nouveau meurtre soit commis...
I Love You... But I Lied
Most relationships have secrets, but what if the lies are huge – will the relationship be destroyed forever? Each episode of this hourlong series tells two stories, based on actual events, in which lies lead to consequences for the people involved. Family secrets and personal betrayal are often at the center of the situations that lead to explosive confrontations and, eventually, attempts at making amends. Dramatic re-creations bring the stories to life.


May 14, 2006
Petit génie malgré lui, Malcolm vit dans une famille hors du commun. Le jeune surdoué n'hésite pas à se servir de son intelligence pour faire les 400 coups avec ses frères : Francis, l'aîné, envoyé dans une école militaire après une bêtise de trop, Reese, une brute pas très maligne, et Dewey, le petit dernier, souffre-douleur général. Les parents tentent tant bien que mal de canaliser l'énergie de ces petits démons. Si Lois est despotique et veut tout contrôler, Hal, en revanche, est irresponsable et ne pense qu'à s'amuser.
The Black Donnellys

The Black Donnellys

May 14, 2007
Rencontrez les frères Donnelly : Tommy, Jimmy, Kevin et Sean. Il n'y a rien que ces quatre frères irlandais ne feraient pas pour se protéger, et pour eux cela signifie mentir, tricher, voler et, parfois, appeler les flics. Racontée par le gangster en herbe Joey "Ice Cream", cette série granuleuse témoigne de l'implication soudaine des frères Donnelly dans le crime organisé, se concentrant sur la façon dont ils passent de garçons à gangsters et montrant comment leur nouvelle vie affecte leurs relations avec leurs amis, leur famille et leurs les amoureux.