Robert Hilton

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Mule Train

Mule Train

Feb 22, 1950
A prospector discovers natural cement and suggests it should be used for a new dam. But this is the last thing the badmen of Trail End want, as they have a monopoly of the wagons needed to haul rocks to the site. A pretty sheriff notwithstanding, it's a job for a singing marshal.
Family Sins

Family Sins

Feb 07, 2005
Based on the true story of the Burt family who seemed normal, upstanding members of the community but were actually deeply embedded in crime. The matriarch took in foster children who were subsequently molested and abused by her husband and children and she kept a woman enslaved and imprisoned in the basement for over twenty years until the woman's daughter managed to get to Rhode Island Attorney General David Morwitz and expose the horrors taking place in the Burt household.

Apr 09, 2021

Descendante du légendaire as de la gâchette Wyatt Earp, l'effrontée Wynonna Earp n'a peur de rien. De retour dans sa ville natale, elle combat les vampires et autres démons tués par son arrière-arrière grand-père, qui reviennent hanter les vivants à cause d'une malédiction qui pèse sur sa famille depuis plusieurs générations. Grâce à des dons exceptionnels et d'improbables alliés, la jeune femme traque les créatures surnaturelles.
Action & Adventure