Akaash Singh

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Akaash Singh: Bring Back Apu
Because somewhere along the line, South Asians started trying to cash in on victimhood currency. Complaining about cartoon characters, people mispronouncing our names, and God knows what else. But we were raised better than that. Our parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties taught us dominate everything we do, just like they did when they made it here. And it is our privilege to carry that tradition forward. So it's time to end all the victim shit and taking our identity back.
How to Follow Strangers
There is a true story of a woman who died in her apartment and it took people a year to find her body decomposing in a crisp Chanel suit. A young man becomes obsessed with this urban tragedy and disappears, wondering if anyone will notice. A young woman who shares his commuting schedule DOES notice. And when he resurfaces, she decides to follow him setting of a chain of events that bind them together...


Jun 22, 2013
Aspiring but less than ambitious photographer Nate clumsily navigates the New York City art world in a post-grad haze, waiting for his breakthrough project to fall into his lap. During a drug-fueled wormhole through the annals of YouTube, Nate discovers his next subjects when an arbitrary click lands him on a crude music video by the Young Torture Killaz—an Insane Clown Posse knock-off group of jaded Delaware teens with a lot to scream about—and the inspiration (and exploitation) flows
Akaash Singh: Bring Back Apu
Because somewhere along the line, South Asians started trying to cash in on victimhood currency. Complaining about cartoon characters, people mispronouncing our names, and God knows what else. But we were raised better than that. Our parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties taught us dominate everything we do, just like they did when they made it here. And it is our privilege to carry that tradition forward. So it's time to end all the victim shit and taking our identity back.
Akaash Singh: Bring Back Apu
Because somewhere along the line, South Asians started trying to cash in on victimhood currency. Complaining about cartoon characters, people mispronouncing our names, and God knows what else. But we were raised better than that. Our parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties taught us dominate everything we do, just like they did when they made it here. And it is our privilege to carry that tradition forward. So it's time to end all the victim shit and taking our identity back.
Red Oaks

Red Oaks

Oct 19, 2017
Durant l'été 1985, David Myers, 20 ans, décroche un emploi saisonnier dans un country club du New Jersey majoritairement fréquenté par des juifs. Entre des clients pas toujours faciles et des employés pas toujours sympathiques, le jeune homme tente de découvrir quelle direction donner à sa vie.
Brown Nation

Brown Nation

Nov 15, 2016
Hasmukh operates a small IT Consulting company "Shree Ganesh Computers Limited Inc" in Queens, NY. Staffed by a disinterested and lazy cast of characters, his business flounders. His home life is not much better. His wife Dimple, a frustrated and jobless artist, complains constantly about not having enough time to explore her creativity because of the demands of taking care of her dog, Bobby. Hasmukh tries desperately to balance his work and family, but neither seem to have his best interest at heart.
La famille la plus heureuse d'Amérique
Ramy Youssef présente La famille la plus heureuse d'Amérique, une série animée pour adultes qui suit les Hussein, une famille musulmane optimiste, patriotique, pacifique et absolument pas suspecte dans l'Amérique de l'après 11 septembre. Alors qu'ils traversent le début des années 2000 sous les yeux de leurs voisins terrifiés, cette série invente une nouvelle façon de rire face à l'adversité.
The Leftovers

The Leftovers

Jun 04, 2017
Le 14 octobre 2011, deux pour cent des êtres humains ont disparu de la surface de la Terre de manière inexplicable. Les habitants de la petite ville de Mapleton sont confrontés à cette disparition lorsque nombre de leurs voisins, amis et amants s'évanouissent dans la nature en un instant. Trois ans plus tard, la vie a repris son cours dans la bourgade dépeuplée, mais rien n'est plus comme avant. Personne n'a oublié ce qu'il s'est passé ni ceux qui ont disparu. Certains tentent de comprendre, d'autres d'oublier, ou de se souvenir. Chacun va devoir faire face à l'effondrement de ses croyances, au deuil.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy