Emilio Azcarraga Jean

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Los Jaguares del Manglar
Through the planet, explore the home and habitat of the mangrove jaguars on the banks of the Santiago River, where its current meets the sea on the coast of Nayarit, an area that has become a natural refuge for cats.
El show: crónica de un asesinato
The murder of Paco Stanley, the most popular comedian on television in Mexico, unleashes a series of intrigues in the world of politics and entertainment. Through an in-depth investigation, the use of archival material of the time and the direct testimony of the main people involved in the case, this documentary series delves into the culture of show business and exposes the lies and tragedies that unexpectedly marked the arrival of democracy in Mexico in the year 2000.
El show: crónica de un asesinato
Fernando Barrientos, chef de la sécurité nationale de la police secrète du Mexique, tente d'obtenir le poste le plus important du pays. En chemin, il devra manipuler, trahir et tuer, et il est prêt à tout endurer. Cependant, son chemin sera semé d'embûches. Personne, pas même sa famille, ne sera à l'abri du chaos créé par sa quête du pouvoir total.