Derek Loughran

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Nov 11, 2021
A lonely woman who takes care of her paralyzed husband saves an alien who cannot experience emotions.
96 Souls

96 Souls

Jun 03, 2016
A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.
How 'You Like Me Now?

How 'You Like Me Now?

Mar 06, 1992
In this controversial guttural comedy, the first from writer/director Christopher Michael, his shocking character "Jerome Jackson" makes his debut as a mortuary attendant caught in a diabolical bacteriological espionage plot that threatens to destroy America. Using his special ghetto-jive powers, Jerome uncovers the scheme while helping himself to the luscious offerings of the widow of one of his "customers" - an evil, rich bastard that has been replaced by one of the agents as part of the bacteriological war. Can the shuffling Jerome keep his hands off horny white women long enough to save his country? Probably not, but you'll laugh at this fool's attempts to balance animalistic sex and patriotism! And what is the power of the OSMOMOLIMITER?
Day Is Done

Day Is Done

Mar 12, 2006
Day Is Done is a carnivalesque opus, a genre-smashing epic in which vampires, dancing Goths, hillbillies, mimes and demons come together in a kind of subversive musical theater/variety revue. Running over two-and-a-half hours, this riotous theatrical spectacle unfolds as a series of episodes that form a loose, fractured narrative. The video comprises parts 2 through 32 of Kelley's multi-faceted project Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstructions, in which trauma, abuse and repressed memory are refracted through personal and mass-cultural experience. The source material is a series of high school yearbook photographs of "extracurricular activities," specifically those that represent what Kelley has termed "socially accepted rituals of deviance." Kelley then stages video narratives around these found images.
The Skateboard Kid

The Skateboard Kid

Jun 23, 1993
No one could be more bored than Zack, the new kid in town with no friends in sight. When a gang of hip, skateboarding thrashers start cruising his neighborhood, Zack hopes his luck will change. But they want nothing to do with him. Then Zack makes the discovery of his life: a talking wisecracking, magical skateboard. And suddenly, skateboarding rises to entirely new heights.
Le Retour des morts-vivants 2
Un groupe de jeunes découvre par hasard un cylindre contenant un cadavre en décomposition et répand accidentellement dans l'air le 2-4-5 Trioxen. Ce gaz redonne vie aux habitants du cimetière avoisinant...
Histoires de l'autre monde
Une série d'anthologie d'horreur où le spectateur est pris à travers des histoires de fantômes, des aventures de science-fiction et, événements inexpliqués rampants.
Les Craquantes

Les Craquantes

May 09, 1992
Il était une fois trois femmes superbes. Cela aurait pu être des Drôles de dames, mais ce ne sont que trois quinquagénaires qui vivent sous le même toit à Miami. Rose, l’ingénue du Minnesota, ne cesse de divaguer et n’a d’yeux que pour St-Olaf, son village natal très excentrique. Blanche, aristocrate sudiste nymphomane d’Atlanta, a pour seule joie en ce monde de conquérir le plus d’hommes possible et de donner un compte-rendu à ses deux meilleures amies. Et enfin Dorothée, une New-yorkaise d’origine italienne à peine divorcée de Stanley, qualifié selon elle de « rebut du genre humain », amène dans l’histoire l’étonnement du tout un chacun face aux situations cocasses, un peu trop normale pour ses deux « déjantées » de colocataires. Ces trois dames ne seraient rien sans la pétulante Sophia, mère de Dorothée et née en Sicile, qui porte en elle la fougue de ses origines italiennes et qui n’a pas la langue dans sa poche…