Russell Boulter

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Les secrets des gorilles
Le parc national de Loango, au Gabon, abrite un groupe de gorilles des plaines de l'Ouest qui se sont habitués aux biologistes qui les étudient depuis plus de vingt ans. Ce documentaire porte un regard intimiste sur le dos argenté Kamaya et sa famille, et met en scène un gorille nouveau-né, de courageux chercheurs, des éléphants de forêt, des buffles et le dernier littoral sauvage des tropiques africains.
Discovering: Hergé

Discovering: Hergé

Aug 21, 2012
A look at the life of Tintin creator Georges Remi, known by the pen name Hergé, whose tales of reporter Tintin and his canine sidekick Snowy have stood the test of time, despite controversy over his early work.
Namibia’s Desert Kingdom
Rocks, dunes, sand and dust - large areas of Namibia in southwest Africa are characterized by deserts. Riverbeds full of sand meander through these inhospitable regions. Some of these only have water once every few years when enough rain has fallen in the mountains and the water rushes to the coast - but most of the time the river courses have dried up. And yet they are crucial for the survival of many living beings.
TV Movie
Hippo King

Hippo King

Apr 02, 2022
An old, battle-scarred hippo bull – once a king among the hippos in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley – has an incredible story to tell. It’s a story normally hidden from human eyes and almost always misunderstood, because a hippo’s secret life happens beneath the water and under cover of darkness. Follow the life of the “Hippo King,” and discover the true character of one of Earth’s largest land mammals.
Chasing Quakes

Chasing Quakes

Jan 01, 2017
Europe has experienced catastrophic earthquakes – even though the 'old continent' is not the most notorious region on Earth for strong quakes, the danger from below is very real.
The Miracle of Stairway B
Survivors tell how 12 fire-fighters, a police officer and an office worker survived inside the North Tower of the World Trade Center as it collapsed on top of them
George for Real

George for Real

Jan 01, 2015
Founder and leader of one of the world's largest missionary movements, Operation Mobilization, George Verwer takes you on his travels all over the world, driven by a passion to see men and women come to faith. Discover how George Verwer's hunger for God was ignited during his turbulent teenage years and how God led him to ignite a dynamic global missionary movement.
Robber of the Cruel Streets
This program presents the life and ministry of George Muller, who cared for thousands of orphans in 19th century England. He never asked anyone for money. Instead he prayed, and his children never missed a meal.
So, Who Is This Jesus?
This program has been designed specifically to help people with no previous knowledge of Jesus to have a better understanding of who He is.
Le Triangle des Bermudes - du Mythe à la Réalité
Des disparitions infâmes de navires et d'avions, des histoires de vies perdues - tout cela fait partie de la légende de l'étendue de 500 000 milles carrés de l'océan Atlantique connue sous le nom de Triangle des Bermudes. Dans cette émission spéciale d'une heure, National Geographic Channel explore la réputation inquiétante de la région en en drainant l'eau pour voir ce qui se trouve exactement sous la surface du triangle mythique. À l'aide de données provenant de relevés sonar sophistiqués, découvrez à quoi ressemble le fond de l'océan sous le triangle des Bermudes. Soyez témoin des caractéristiques géologiques étranges qui seront révélées et si elles éclaireront les événements mystérieux qui ont été documentés dans les limites de cette zone océanique.
Edward VIII: The Lion King
Home movies shot by the controversial Edward VIII reveal the untold story of his extravagant safaris with the real life cast of "Out of Africa" in the late 1920s, complete with adultery, champagne and specially built airstrips. At the height of the Great White Hunter era, Edward turned his back on big game hunting and championed conservation instead. Inspired by his safari guide, Denys Finch-Hatton - played by Robert Redford in the Oscar winning film - he put down his rifle and picked up a movie camera, pioneering the photographic safaris we all know today.
Le Titanic dévoilé

Le Titanic dévoilé

Apr 12, 2015
L'épave la plus célèbre du monde, celle du Titanic, repose depuis plus d'un siècle au fond des eaux glacées de l'océan Atlantique; cent ans après la tragédie, des experts peuvent, à l'aide d'outils technologiques, virtuellement drainer le Titanic.
La chasse aux sorcières
L'Angleterre, au XVIIe siècle, déclara ouvertement la guerre à la magie et à la sorcellerie. Des millions de femmes furent accusées et exécutées sur les ordres du roi James, terrifié à l'idée d'être victime d'un complot. Mais ces femmes étaient-elles réellement coupables ? Comment sont-elles devenues les martyrs de tout un pays ? Ce document tente de percer la vérité cachée derrière cette chasse aux sorcières.
War Horse: The Real Story
The truth about the million British horses that served in World War I is even more epic than Steven Spielberg’s War Horse feature film. This documentary tells their extraordinary, moving story, begining with the mass call-up of horses from every farm and country estate in the land. Racing commentator Brough Scott tells the tale of his aristocratic grandfather General Jack Seely and his beloved horse Warrior, who would become the most famous horse of the war. The British Army hoped its illustrious cavalry regiments would win a swift victory, but it would be years before they enjoyed their moment of glory. Instead, in a new era of mechanised trench warfare, the heavy horses transporting guns, ammunition and food to the front-line troops were most important. A quarter of a million of these horses died from shrapnel wounds and disease. But the deep bond that developed between man and horse helped both survive the hell of the Somme and Passchendaele.
9/11: Escape from the Impact Zone
Told for the first time, this is the story of the handful of people in the South Tower, on the actual floors hit by the hijacked plane, who made it out alive. That anyone could survive the devastating inferno ignited by 34,000 litres of jet fuel is surprising enough. But how they managed to escape before the tower collapsed is even more extraordinary. Now, those who were there recall the unique life and death struggles that took place inside the Tower that morning - and reveal how they got away.
Wild Uganda

Wild Uganda

Jun 13, 2018
Uganda is still what travellers consider an ‘insider tip’. Off the tourist map, a place still in the shadows of its past. Visitors, including scientists and conservationists, had a difficult time in the civil war-stricken country. Poaching had endangered many of Uganda’s most iconic animals including Mountain gorillas, cave elephants, the chimpanzees and even the tree-dwelling lions. But now the national parks have been restored and Uganda’s wildlife is once again thriving. This is a celebration of their survival.
Wild Lapland

Wild Lapland

Dec 25, 2020
Snow blankets the trees and green lights dance in a star-filled sky. For a brief time during the festive season, our thoughts turn to a winter wonderland, far to the north. It’s a place best known to outsiders as Lapland, the magical home of Santa Claus. But far from the festive lights, Santa’s home is even more enchanting than you may realise.
11 septembre : La Caserne des Héros
Un récit inspirant sur l'héroïsme et les sacrifices des courageux pompiers qui ont travaillé dans l'ombre du World Trade Center à New York. Ce documentaire raconte l'histoire de Ten House, la caserne de pompiers à côté du World Trade Center, ainsi que le lien fort unissant ces pompiers qui ont risqué leurs vies pour en sauver d'autres. Les pompiers de Ten House ont été les premiers à intervenir, après que deux avions ont frappé les tours jumelles en 2001. À l'aide d'interviews et d'images d'archives, ce documentaire révélateur raconte une histoire saisissante et remarquable.


Feb 14, 2001
When you love someone, what happens if you don't exist? A short film about admiration and intensity.
Vlčie hory

Vlčie hory

Jan 01, 2013
As night falls, an ethereal mist creeps over a forest cover as old as the world itself. The primeval howl of a wolf echoes across the mountains, followed by another and yet another wolf. Down in the valley, a wisent turns swiftly, a deer runs off a little and a beaver swims into its hiding place. Only a bear waits in anticipation of sponging off the prey of the wolf. This is the story about the rebirth of European wilderness, in which the wolf, the wisent, the bear and other rare animals live as freely as centuries ago.
Tibet: Roof of the World
Join us as we explore life on the highest mountain plateau on Earth. This beautiful and other worldly place is also one of the harshest on the planet. We follow the lives of some of the iconic creatures that call it home. From Tibetan wolves struggling to raise pups in the rugged peaks, and rare snub nosed monkeys facing family dramas on the forest slopes to chiru antelopes that travel hundreds of miles to give birth while facing death, and hardy pika who tough out the elements all year, whilst under constant attack. Discover how these extraordinary animals manage to not only survive, but also thrive on the roof of the world.


Feb 14, 2001
When you love someone, what happens if you don't exist? A short film about admiration and intensity.


Apr 02, 2007
Mobile is a 3-part British television drama series with an interweaving plot based around a fictional mobile phone operator and the adverse-effect of mobile phone radiation to health. The series was screened by ITV in the United Kingdom, during March 2007. The cast includes Jamie Draven, Neil Fitzmaurice, Keith Allen, Sunetra Sarker, Samantha Bond, Brittany Ashworth and Julie Graham. It was written by John Fay.


Aug 26, 2010
La vie et les amours d'un groupe d'amies d'une trentaine d'années, qui se sont connues à l'université, mais dont les vies ont pris des chemins différents.
Natural World

Natural World

Mar 20, 2020
Conçue par Sir David Attenborough en 1967, Natural World est la plus ancienne série documentaire sur la nature diffusée à la télévision britannique. Les tâches de production sont partagées entre son unité d'histoire naturelle interne, les sociétés de production britanniques indépendantes et les principaux cinéastes animaliers du monde entier.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Meurtres en sommeil

Meurtres en sommeil

Apr 11, 2011
Peter Boyd est le chef d'une équipe de police multi-discipline de détective et scientifique, La brigade des affaires classées, qui enquête sur d'anciens meurtres non résolus en utilisant les méthodes modernes, pas encore disponibles au moment de l'enquête initiale.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Europe's New Wild

Europe's New Wild

Mar 10, 2021
Explore the resurgence of iconic wildlife and natural processes across Europe's most breathtaking landscapes, from the Arctic Circle to rich river wetlands, from deep forests to rugged mountain peaks.
The Upper Hand

The Upper Hand

Oct 14, 1996
The Upper Hand is a British television sitcom, produced by Central Independent Television and Columbia Pictures Television and broadcast by ITV from 1990 to 1996. The programme was adapted from the American sitcom Who's the Boss?. As in the former series, an affluent single woman, raising a son with the help of her mother, hires a housekeeper only to have a man apply for the job.


Feb 19, 2025
Des documentaires époustouflants transportent les téléspectateurs vers des endroits éloignés allant des plaines africaines torrides aux splendeurs glaciales de l'Antarctique glacial. L'émission se concentre principalement sur les animaux et les écosystèmes du monde entier.
The Spanish Princess

The Spanish Princess

Nov 29, 2020
On revisite le monde de la cour royale des Tudors. Une histoire racontée uniquement du point de vue des femmes, celle-ci viendra également mettre la lumière sur les différentes ethnies qui vivaient et travaillaient à Londres pendant le XVIe siècle. L'adolescente Catherine d'Aragon, la princesse d'Espagne armée d'une volonté de fer, est la fille des souverains espagnols Isabelle et Ferdinand. Elle voyage en Angleterre, car sa main est promise depuis son enfance à Arthur, prince de Galles. Lorsque ce dernier décède de manière soudaine, le trône semble perdu, jusqu'à ce que la jeune princesse pose ses yeux sur le nouvel héritier, le charismatique et têtu prince Harry.
The Darling Buds of May
An idyllic picture of 1950's rural England as seen through the lives of the Larkins, a farm family living in Kent. The show revolves around Pa Larkin, a man of a kind and mischievous nature with a penchant for getting into scrapes and talking his way out of them with equal equanimity; and his daughters, as they deal with growing up and discovering the joys and sorrows of young love.