Suzan Hughes

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Jul 01, 1989
The sultry Midnight, late-night horror movie hostess, has the highest rated show on TV. Mr. B is scheming to steal the rights to the show. The tug of war begins and soon escalates into a deadly conflict. will Midnight have to get a day job and change her name to High Noon?
Almost You

Almost You

Mar 29, 1985
Alex and Erica Boyer are a young couple in crisis. Alex, despite his loving wife, beautiful home and high-paying job, feels trapped. When Erica has an accident that leaves her temporarily confined to a wheelchair and requiring the services of a private nurse, the beautiful Lisa enters the Boyers' lives. A complicated situation develops as Alex sees Lisa as the cure for his own problems as well as his wife's.
I Don't Buy Kisses Anymore
Bernie Fishbine is overweight. He stops at the neighborhood store to buy some chocolate kisses every day. This is where he meets Theresa Garabaldi. Then they take the same bus route every evening. Theresa invites Bernie to see her play piano at her father's restaurant. It is here that she gets him to join a gym. Theresa is in college and gets the idea to write about Bernie's weight problem for her thesis. She does this without telling Bernie. Meanwhile, Bernie is falling in love with Theresa, and vice versa.
Fire in the Night

Fire in the Night

Jan 01, 1986
When Terry rejects the son of the wealthiest and most powerful man in town, they start to make life difficult for her and her father.


Jul 04, 1996
Quand Roy Munson, brillant et jeune joueur de bowling promis à un brillant avenir, part de sa ville d'Ocelot pour une carrière professionnelle, il ne sait pas qu'en battant le grand Ernie perfide et orgueilleux il va sombrer dans la déchéance la plus totale. En effet celui-ci ne supportant pas de voir se dresser un rival de cette dimension va entraîner Roy dans un pari douteux qui va lui faire perdre sa main. Après des années de galère une lueur d'espoir se présentera en la personne d'Ishmael, jeune Amish surdoué du bowling mais mal dégrossi. Entre les deux protagonistes une improbable amitié se noue. Ils font donc cause commune pour gagner le tournoi de bowling de Reno doté d'un million de dollars. L'un pour sauver sa communauté de la faillite et l'autre pour sortir de la fange.