Edvard Danielsson

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Som du vill ha mej

Som du vill ha mej

Mar 22, 1943
The architect Gösta complains to Dr. Holm about his wife Gunilla's introverted character. Holm proposes a drug that will make her more outgoing.
Hur tokigt som helst

Hur tokigt som helst

Feb 28, 1949
"How crazy!" A man and a woman watch episodes from Nils Poppe movies outside a cinema Maxim in Stockholm. Poppe represents, among other things, a poor composer who vainly tries to get a tune adopted by a publisher. The failure makes him depressed, but he is living it up by meeting a good friend Calle, who invites him home. Poppe stays for a few days as a male housewife. Calle has a music store and there the two friends can go crazy among all the instruments.
Kejsarn av Portugallien
The poor farmer Jan is getting very old when he becomes father to the girl, Klara Gulla. First, he sees the child as a burden, but when he receives the newborn child in his arms he is overjoyed. He does everything in his power for her during her. But when she as an adult leaves home, Jan can not come over the loss of her.
Pengar - en tragikomisk saga
Orvar is a vagabond, walking the country roads and living on sunshine and generosity. One day he decides to find work somewhere to get some money. He becomes a helping hand for seven lumberjack brothers. The big and strong brothers really enjoy themselves, joking with the small and meek Orvar. Orvar does not know that he has inherited a large fortune but the seven brothers do and they begin to treat him with the greatest courtesy. They convince him to write his last will, making them his heirs, and then begin to make plans on how to kill him.
Tre glada tokar

Tre glada tokar

Feb 16, 1942
The wealthy Rudolf Trane helps the unsuccessful vacuum-cleaner salesman Rhuter to find a girl called Marianne. Trane, Rhuter and Trane's manservant John pretend to be waiters when Marianne's family is having a large dinner.


Mar 03, 1944
Celebrated elderly Austrian poet opposes nazism, while his daughter admires and falls in love with leading nazi activist, who eventually becomes concentration camp commander with his father-in-law as prisoner.
En fluga gör ingen sommar
When Inga Brantemo goes on a business trip to Italy, her husband Bertil gets romantically involved with Christina Lovén, whose father is a book publisher. When Inga returns, Bertil has a difficult time trying to explain who the woman the neighbors saw in the Brantemo home was. Bertil is an author and it doesn't get easier when he and his wife gets invited to Christina's father to talk business.
Gomorron Bill!

Gomorron Bill!

Nov 14, 1945
Land owner Bill Bärnfelt sees a beautiful woman when he is out riding and immediately falls in love. But then his former fiancee turns up and makes a fuss.


Feb 07, 1944
A professor suffers an accident that disables him. He struggles to keep his courage, trying to understand and solve a conflict with his wife.
Familjen Björck

Familjen Björck

Jan 20, 1940
The Björcks are an ordinary middle-class family in a large Stockholm apartment with with two children, Greta and Ville. But the family's happiness is threatened in two ways: Greta prefers Börje Schack instead of the well-behaving Bertil. And the flirtatious Mrs. Holten tries to snare Mr. Björck.


Oct 02, 1944
Jan-Erik, jeune lycéen, est brimé par Caligula, un professeur de latin tyrannique. Il tombe amoureux de Berta, une jeune femme aux moeurs légères. Celle-ci lui confie qu'elle est harcelée par un homme, qui se révèle être Caligula.


Feb 02, 1944
A classic melodrama about the famous pianist Thomas Dahlhoff.
Une fois la porte close
Une nuit riche en tragédie, en comédie et en drame se déroule derrière les portes closes d'un immeuble où résident des personnages éclectiques.
Il pleut sur notre amour
Maggie, une jeune campagnarde complètement perdue, rate son train et se trouve dans l'obligation de passer la nuit à la gare. Elle y rencontre David, qui l'invite à partager avec lui une chambre d'hôtel. Le lendemain, ils décident de ne plus se quitter et s'installent dans une misérable petite cabane. David étant chômeur, il se met à rechercher du travail et réussit à trouver un emploi chez un fleuriste, mais il regrette ses efforts et se sent trahi dès qu'il apprend que Maggie est enceinte, et qu'elle n'a pas osé le lui dire le soir où ils se sont rencontrés.
Jens Månsson i Amerika
Jens Månsson has big financial problems and realizes that he probably has to leave his dear Skåne farm Gåsabo. But suddenly, he inherits a fortune from his brother John in America.
General von Döbeln

General von Döbeln

Oct 26, 1942
1813. The Swedish army is fighting in the War of the Sixth Coalition. The popular general Von Döbeln is arrested for sending the army against the French in breach of orders by the crown prince. At the court martial he is sentenced to death but is pardoned by the king and sent to prison instead. A group of conspirators are planning to set him free and make him their leader in a coup d'etat.