Oliver Warsitz

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Jul 03, 2021
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.
TV Movie
Dilemme Mortel

Dilemme Mortel

Aug 28, 2013
2009, à Kunduz en Afghanistan. Le colonel George Klein est en charge des militaires allemands présents dans la région. La situation est tendue, suite à des combats contre les insurgés qui ont provoqué des morts dans les deux camps. Deux camions-citernes sont alors volés et Klein redoute que les 60 000 litres d'essence servent à un attentat des talibans. Alors qu'un informateur confirme les craintes du colonel, ce dernier fait appel à l'armée américaine afin qu'elle bombarde la zone où se trouvent les camions. Mais, alors qu'aucun civil ne devait se trouver sur place, des femmes et enfants arrivent en masse pour recueuillir du carburant, en plein dans la zone de tir.
Der Verlust

Der Verlust

Oct 05, 2015
Uli and Nora share an intimate, late love. But Uli always avoids the decision to stand on the common relationship. One morning Uli suffers a stroke during a tour of the harbor on the Elbe. He fights his way through the city to the reading room of the library where Nora works. At the last minute, an ambulance takes Uli to the hospital. In this situation, Nora is overwhelmed. When, on the initiative of her friend Eva, she fetches a few things for Uli from his apartment, a cell phone rings. At the other end there is an unknown female voice that sounds strangely familiar ...
Le Chat Botté

Le Chat Botté

Dec 25, 2009
A la mort d'un modeste meunier, ses trois fils héritent de ses biens. L'an, Germain, récupère le moulin, le cadet, Hubert, prend l'âne, et Jean, le benjamin, reçoit, à son grand désarroi… le chat ! Mais peu de temps après cette répartition, le félin se met à parler et demande à Jean de lui acheter une paire de bottes. Ce dernier obtempère, et le chat prend alors apparence humaine
Haltet die Welt an

Haltet die Welt an

Apr 02, 2010
Katja Winzer lives with her eight-year-old son Tobias and her partner Jürgen in a small town near Bremerhaven. When Tobias does not come home one evening after playing games, and broadcasts remain fruitless throughout the circle of friends, Katja turns on the police. For Katja begins a nightmare of waiting, hope and fear, where she threatens to break. Only weeks later, the terrible idea that Tobias could have become a victim of a violent crime, to the certainty.
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall is a German crime detective television series starring Wolfgang Stumph as detective Stubbe. It is being broadcast on ZDF, the second German public television channel since 1995.
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall is a German crime detective television series starring Wolfgang Stumph as detective Stubbe. It is being broadcast on ZDF, the second German public television channel since 1995.
White Sands

White Sands

Jun 21, 2021
Dans une communauté balnéaire danoise, Hvide Sande. Le détective allemand Thomas et la flic danoise Helene sont désignés pour travailler ensemble sur une enquête criminelle. Tous les deux célibataires, ils sont contraints de jouer un couple afin de mener à bien leur recherche bien qu'ils arrivent difficilement à se supporter dans une même pièce.