Alain Artur

Recently added

Le Maître des éléphants
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Sous le soleil de Satan
Le doyen Menou-Segrais, qui a pris sous sa houlette l'abbé Donissan, vicaire dans un petit village de l'Artois, dont il pressent la sainteté, se voit dans l'obligation de le réprimander. Mortifications et flagellations excessives n'y font rien : le jeune prêtre montre trop d'orgueil à se châtier et à gagner les faveurs de Dieu. Par un baiser du démon, l'abbé devient visionnaire et capable ainsi de déchiffrer les pensées des humains. Dans la paroisse de Donissan, Mouchette, une belle jeune femme qui a pour amant le marquis de Cadignan, envisage de tout quitter pour lui. Lorsqu'elle annonce au marquis qu'elle est enceinte, celui-ci esquive ses responsabilités… Palme d'Or à Cannes en 1987.
Les Gardiennes

Les Gardiennes

Dec 06, 2017
1915, les hommes sont au front et les femmes ont dû s'improviser gardiennes des fermes. Une mère, Hortense, travailleuse infatigable, embauche Francine, une jeune femme de l'assistance publique, pour la seconder car sa propre fille Solange rechigne à se soumettre. Les deux femmes s'accordent d'emblée, mais pour sauver la cohésion de la famille, Hortense va devoir sacrifier la jeune femme et en payer le prix...
Fête de famille

Fête de famille

Sep 04, 2019
«Aujourd’hui c’est mon anniversaire et j’aimerais qu’on ne parle que de choses joyeuses » Andréa ne sait pas encore que l’arrivée « surprise » de sa fille aînée, Claire, disparue depuis 3 ans et bien décidée à reprendre ce qui lui est dû, va bouleverser le programme et déclencher une tempête familiale »


Sep 04, 1985
L'inspecteur Mangin est prêt à tout pour démanteler un réseau parisien de trafiquants de drogue. Il dispose de maigres éléments, fournis par son indic, Claude. Un nom se détache : « Simon ». Mangin fouille son appartement de fond en comble, mais ne trouve rien. Il envoie Simon réfléchir en prison et tente de soutirer des renseignements à sa petite amie, Noria. Mais celle-ci, rebelle, refuse absolument de collaborer. Mangin comprend peu à peu qu'il est en train de tomber amoureux de Noria et que la belle ne cesse de lui mentir. Lambert, son ami, et par ailleurs avocat de la bande de truands que Mangin veut faire tomber, le met sur la piste quand il se sent lui-même menacé…
Le Maître des éléphants
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Premier voyage

Premier voyage

Mar 19, 1980
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
La vie est à nous !

La vie est à nous !

Dec 07, 2005
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Une affaire d'hommes

Une affaire d'hommes

Nov 09, 1981
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Taxi 3

Taxi 3

Jan 29, 2003
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.
Taxi 4

Taxi 4

Feb 10, 2007
After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about the reserve he manages than about his 'new' son, thanks to the friendship between Fofana and Victor, Martin discovers this completely new country and its contradictions. The disappearance of the elephants brings father and son closer together.