Joy Haynes

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Closure Corps

Closure Corps

Oct 27, 2022
A master occultist revives her recently deceased father in order to take care of some unfinished business. But shortcuts in the resurrection process result in his needing to accomplish more than merely his own objectives.
Un Noël en Alaska

Un Noël en Alaska

Nov 21, 2018
Jen Taylor, une citadine noyée sous le travail, apprend qu'elle va passer Noël seule, ses parents s'envolant pour l'Allemagne. Ils lui conseillent de se rendre en Alaska, où vit sa grand-mère, afin de préparer la vente de la maison. Jen s'y rend, rencontre l'homme à tout faire du coin, se cogne aux moeurs locales et finit par s'installer là-bas.
Mon mari, cet inconnu

Mon mari, cet inconnu

Jan 02, 2020
La vie de Kelly, une jeune artiste à succès, se trouve bouleversée par un accident de voiture. À son réveil à l'hôpital, elle ne reconnaît plus ses proches : son mari Dan, son manager Logan et sa meilleure amie Allison. Kelly est sûre d'une seule chose : elle ne peut pas leur faire confiance. L'un d'eux serait-il à l'origine de son accident ?


May 05, 2010
When three sudden deaths befall members of a small law firm, Karen Dunmore begins to suspect that they may be retribution for a terrible crime and its subsequent cover-up. Fearing for her family’s safety, she desperately tries to convince her husband and his associates to take action. But will it be too late?
Please Forward

Please Forward

May 08, 2009
Chain Mail International has had a banner year; the tanking economy is proving an unexpected boon for the firm’s time-honored business — creating and forwarding chain letters. Through the lens of the firm’s holiday party, we get a glimpse into the inner workings of the business, and come to see that as progress moves relentlessly onward, not everyone will be sharing in the group’s success.
Voices from Within

Voices from Within

Oct 10, 1994
"Voices from Within" brings you into a world most people never see-a mental institution. For the first time in the history of Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, cameras were allowed inside and placed into the hands of four individuals in care: Jimmy, Lee, Kevin, and Calvin, who have been residents for a combined 160 years. All of them have series mental illnesses.
Number One With a Bullet
Jack Reade is a mild-mannered academic who finally has a chance to publish his own Great American Novel. But just as he thinks his tome will see print, Pete Willoughby, a smug and influential editor, informs Jack that the book will remain locked in publishing purgatory. After an accident befalls Pete, Jack forges a desperate alliance with Carrie Singer, a disgruntled employee who also happens to be the book’s number-one fan. Together, they concoct an insane scheme to cover up Pete’s death and greenlight the book. Unfortunately, the publishing process is chock full of required approvals, and before long, other denizens of Dennison Publishing begin to fall prey to “accidents.”


May 12, 2019
Après une ascension fulgurante, la sénatrice Selina Meyer perd les primaires de son parti pour les élections présidentielles américaines. On lui demande finalement à la dernière minute de servir son pays en tant que vice-présidente (VP ou « Veep ») des États-Unis. Elle accepte donc, pensant mener ses projets. Malheureusement, elle semble oublier que c'est son rival qui est désormais son supérieur. Un parcours semé d'embûches politiques l'attend mais elle va continuer à jouer son rôle quelles que soient les circonstances.