Stacey Maltin

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Landing Up

Landing Up

May 15, 2018
When a young woman finds herself living life on the streets she learns the art of picking up men to put a roof over her head. But when she meets the guy of her dreams her secret threatens to ruin their perfect relationship.
The Winning Season

The Winning Season

Jan 19, 2009
Un homme un peu inadapté doit entraîner l’équipe féminine de basket du lycée, mais il n’aurait jamais imaginé combien cette expérience allait bouleverser sa vie et les leurs.
The Next Two Nights

The Next Two Nights

Oct 15, 2016
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
Blood Ties

Blood Ties

Aug 22, 2013
New York, 1974. Chris, la cinquantaine, est libéré pour bonne conduite après plusieurs années de prison pour un règlement de compte meurtrier. Devant la prison, Frank, son jeune frère, un flic prometteur, est là, à contrecœur. Ce ne sont pas seulement des choix de « carrières » qui ont séparé Chris et Frank, mais bien des choix de vies et une rivalité depuis l’enfance. Leur père Léon, qui les a élevés seul, a toujours eu pour Chris une préférence affichée, malgré les casses, la prison… Pourtant, Frank espère que son frère a changé et veut lui donner sa chance : il le loge, lui trouve un travail, l’aide à renouer avec ses enfants et son ex-femme, Monica. Malgré ces tentatives, Chris est vite rattrapé par son passé et replonge. Pour Frank, c’est la dernière des trahisons, il ne fera plus rien pour Chris. Mais c'est déjà trop tard et le destin des deux frères restera lié à jamais.
New York Melody

New York Melody

Jul 03, 2014
Gretta et son petit ami viennent de débarquer à NYC. La ville est d'autant plus magique pour les deux anglais qu'on leur propose de venir y vivre pleinement leur passion : la musique. Le rêve va se briser et l'idylle voler en éclat quand, aveuglé par la gloire naissante, il va la plaquer pour une carrière solo et... une attachée de presse. Ses valises prêtes et son billet de retour pour Londres en poche, elle décide de passer une dernière nuit à New York avec son meilleur pote. Ce dernier l'emmène dans un pub, la pousse sur scène et la force à chanter. Dans la salle un producteur s'adonne à sa plus dangereuse passion : l'alcool. Revenu de tout, du succès et de sa gloire passée, amer, rancunier, il a perdu le fil de sa vie,... Et soudain il entend cette voix, découvre cette grâce, ce talent brut et authentique... Une rencontre enchantée qui pourrait finir en chansons...
Triple Threat

Triple Threat

Oct 11, 2020
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Oct 21, 2017
Quand une lesbienne libérale excitée ramène accidentellement à la maison une magnifique femme conservatrice, elle doit décider si la luxure ou le meurtre l'emporteront.
2 Weeks

2 Weeks

Jun 22, 2020
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.


Oct 23, 2020
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.


Feb 16, 2019
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.


Oct 16, 2021
Jack, an aging hedge fund CEO, hesitantly acquiesces when Ruby, his wife of 25 years, suggests they check out an open love party. Thrust into a new world, he is surprised to uncover the intimacy he actually desires.
The Tramp's New World

The Tramp's New World

Aug 04, 2021
In 1948 the James Agee wrote a scenario for his lifelong hero, Charlie Chaplin. Deeply disturbed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agee imagined New York destroyed. In the ruins, Chaplin's Little Tramp builds a shack in Central Park. Gradually a small community of the dispossessed grows up around him. For Agee, his story was a thought experiment about how one might start again in the aftermath of disaster, to go beyond capitalism and just how hard that is in the face of our modern technological world. The film focuses on his imaginative journey and what it might mean for us today.
Science Fiction
The Tramp's New World

The Tramp's New World

Aug 04, 2021
In 1948 the James Agee wrote a scenario for his lifelong hero, Charlie Chaplin. Deeply disturbed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agee imagined New York destroyed. In the ruins, Chaplin's Little Tramp builds a shack in Central Park. Gradually a small community of the dispossessed grows up around him. For Agee, his story was a thought experiment about how one might start again in the aftermath of disaster, to go beyond capitalism and just how hard that is in the face of our modern technological world. The film focuses on his imaginative journey and what it might mean for us today.
Science Fiction


Oct 23, 2020
After fleeing Earth in the late 80s, an alien returns to his childhood home in search of his best friend. As he gets closer to finding her, his mysterious past gets closer to catching him.


Jan 01, 2016
Murder, childhood, and making choices that lead to self-betterment.


Apr 01, 2018
In a near future where sexual assault is legal and predators roam the streets, Viola decides to take matters into her own very capable hands.


Apr 01, 2018
In a near future where sexual assault is legal and predators roam the streets, Viola decides to take matters into her own very capable hands.
Gaining & Losing

Gaining & Losing

Jun 09, 2021
What happens to friendship when a shared dream is abandoned? Gaining and Losing explores a friendship torn apart when a young dancer combats an eating disorder and her talented friend can't understand.
Gaining & Losing

Gaining & Losing

Jun 09, 2021
What happens to friendship when a shared dream is abandoned? Gaining and Losing explores a friendship torn apart when a young dancer combats an eating disorder and her talented friend can't understand.
Landing Up

Landing Up

May 15, 2018
When a young woman finds herself living life on the streets she learns the art of picking up men to put a roof over her head. But when she meets the guy of her dreams her secret threatens to ruin their perfect relationship.
Landing Up

Landing Up

May 15, 2018
When a young woman finds herself living life on the streets she learns the art of picking up men to put a roof over her head. But when she meets the guy of her dreams her secret threatens to ruin their perfect relationship.
The Next Two Nights

The Next Two Nights

Oct 15, 2016
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
The Next Two Nights

The Next Two Nights

Oct 15, 2016
When Chrissie's latest conquest, David, goes away for the weekend, she has no place to go and must take to the streets to survive..
Queen of Magic

Queen of Magic

Jun 07, 2024
Addison Ellery sets out in Brooklyn to follow her dreams of being a magician during the 1890s. After being rejected by theater after theater, because “There ain’t no lady magicians,” Addison decides to don a new persona, The Amazing Ace. With coattails and a dedicated assistant at her side, Addison is determined to defy the odds and prove that there are, in fact, lady magicians.


Oct 18, 2016
A spoiled young man on the brink of adult hood has trouble calming the anxious voices in his head. He deals with them by spoiling himself even more.
Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Oct 21, 2017
A spoiled young man on the brink of adult hood has trouble calming the anxious voices in his head. He deals with them by spoiling himself even more.
Born Guilty

Born Guilty

Apr 07, 2017
What happens when you secretly pay someone to romance your Mom?
Big Exit

Big Exit

Jul 01, 2020
After witnessing a violent crime, Elizabeth faces a dilemma, to bury what she knows or speak out. In the days that follow Elizabeth struggles to come to terms with the burden of responsibility and new challenges at work.


Feb 16, 2019
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.


Feb 16, 2019
Jones' inner demons threaten to take over her life unless she outruns the voices in her head and the ticking of time.
2 Weeks

2 Weeks

Jun 22, 2020
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.
2 Weeks

2 Weeks

Jun 22, 2020
When 20-something-year-old Tanya begins to realize she’s asexual, the highly charged sexualized world she lives in as an actress and partner begins to fall apart and feels more and more like an unbearable nightmare.
Triple Threat

Triple Threat

Oct 11, 2020
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Triple Threat

Triple Threat

Oct 11, 2020
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Triple Threat

Triple Threat

Oct 11, 2020
Close friendships are slowly pulled apart as a once shared dream is abandoned by one in favor of fatherhood.
Les reines de Manhattan
Cette série suit la vie de trois femmes, amies, accomplies dans le domaine professionnel et qui cherchent toujours à en avoir plus. Nico, Wendy et Victory règnent sur New York ! Nico est rédactrice en chef d'un des plus grands magazines de mode et rêve d'en devenir la présidente. Wendy est une des pontes d'un studio de cinéma. Victory est une créatrice de mode à l'esprit très libéré, espérant un jour trouver l'homme idéal. Les trois amies font face ensemble aux grands défis de la vie, professionnels et personnels. Cependant, du côté personnel, la vie n'est pas toujours rose.