Sofya Zajkova

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Возвращение с Олимпа
Olympus. Here are all the most important gods: mighty Zeus, his treacherous wife Hera, handsome singer Apollo, ruler of the seas Poseidon, warrior Ares, goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite and wise Athena. Here is the illegitimate son of Zeus, Hercules - a demigod-half-man. Having missed the Earth, he begs for travel on it from Zeus before sunrise. He is accompanied by an eagle - a cunning and insinuating creature, the same one who once pecked Prometheus and from which Hercules saved him. On Earth, Hercules enters the temple dedicated to him and his twelve feats. There he remembers some of them.


Jun 01, 1973
The cunning king Polidekt of the island of Serif sends the young hero Perseus to get the head of Gorgon Medusa, whose gaze turns people to stone. He is accompanied by the god of commerce and profits and the patron of thieves and athletes, Hermes, who pursues his personal interests. Perseus gets the head of Medusa, but uses it to save Andromeda, the daughter of King Kef.
Labyrinthe - La légende de Thésée
Au terme de son éducation militaire, le jeune Thésée démontre qu'il est devenu un puissant guerrier en soulevant un énorme rocher. Pour son précepteur, c'est le signe qu'il est prêt à partir pour Athènes afin d'y rencontrer le roi Égée : son père. Lorsqu'il arrive là-bas, il trouve un royaume en proie à de grands troubles. Tous les neuf ans, Minos, roi de Crète, exige que Égée lui envoie sept jeunes hommes très forts et sept jeunes filles parmi les plus belles pour les donner en pâture à un monstre appelé Minotaure. Choqué, Thésée court voir Égée et, sans prendre le temps de célébrer sa rencontre avec son père, insiste pour embarquer à bord du bateau qui va conduire les sacrifiés au Minotaure. Le roi Minos se moque de ses plans : selon lui le Minotaure est non seulement invisible, mais il demeure dans un labyrinthe dont personne n'a jamais réussi à trouver l'issue. Ariane, la fille de Minos, tombe immédiatement amoureuse de Thésée en le voyant et décide de tout faire pour l'aider.
Иван Бровкин на целине
Ivan Brovkin finishes serving in the army with the rank of sergeant and, together with a group of comrades after demobilization, decides to go to the development of state farm. He arrives at his native collective farm and meets there a cool welcome: the chairman of the collective farm, the bride Lyubasha and mother — consider him a traitor. The planned wedding is canceled, and Brovkin leaves for the state farm. Brovkin comes to the state farm at the time of plowing the land. He joins the team. Winter passes after working days. In letters home he writes that everything is fine with him. News about how Ivan lives is spreading throughout the village. Lyubasha is seriously thinking about running away from home to the state farm...