Mark Chadwick

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Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam

Nov 13, 1996
A la veille de la fête nationale du 4 juillet, Louise Harper apprend la mort de son mari Sam durant l'opération militaire "Tempête du désert". Jody, son jeune neveu en est très affecté car il a toujours considéré son oncle comme son héros. Le transfert du corps est organisé en vue d'une cérémonie officielle dans sa ville natale. En attendant il repose dans la chambre familiale. Au cours de la veillée mortuaire, Jody s'éclipse afin d'adresser un dernier adieu à Sam. S'approchant du cercueil pour y déposer les médailles militaires, il entend un bruit effrayant. La peur, l'horreur et la mort vont alors s'abattre sur les habitants de cette petite ville trop tranquille.


Dec 06, 1996
À l'heure de pointe en fin d'après-midi, tous les banlieusards de New York rentrent chez eux et empruntent le tunnel qui relie Manhattan au New Jersey. Quand, parmi les embouteillages, une voiture zigzague à vive allure pour échapper à la police. C'est l'accident, et le véhicule percute de plein fouet un convoi chargé de produits toxiques. Une violente explosion secoue le tunnel. Les quelques survivants de cet enfer vont tenter de retrouver l'air libre.
Batman & Robin

Batman & Robin

Jun 20, 1997
Dans cette nouvelle aventure, Batman aura bien besoin de son audacieux partenaire Robin, juché sur sa fringante moto turbo. En effet, le glacial M. Frezze fait régner une vague de froid polaire sur Gotham City avec la complicité de la belle et vénéneuse Poison Ivy, au baiser mortel et aux formes sinueuses, qui rêve de soumettre le monde au pouvoir des femmes-fleurs.


Sep 04, 2001
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.


Feb 14, 2003
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3

Jan 21, 1993
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
Le Pôle express

Le Pôle express

Nov 10, 2004
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.


Mar 30, 2001
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
Opération Espadon

Opération Espadon

Jun 08, 2001
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
Star Trek : Nemesis

Star Trek : Nemesis

Dec 13, 2002
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
Science Fiction


Oct 23, 1998
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
Science Fiction


Jun 07, 2018
Ping is a chihuahua rescued from the pound by nearsighted Ethel, who thinks he's a cat. When a pair of bumbling thieves try to break into Ethel's house to steal the money they think she has stashed away, only Ping can foil their plans.
The Killing Grounds

The Killing Grounds

Jul 21, 1998
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
L'Attaque du métro 123
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
En pleine tempête

En pleine tempête

Jun 29, 2000
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Mission Zero

Mission Zero

Feb 12, 2007
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.


Aug 21, 1998
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Déjà vu

Déjà vu

Nov 22, 2006
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad

Jan 09, 2013
After the fatal crash of a small airplane in the high Sierras, six greedy strangers clash over a fortune in stolen gold. The torturous trip down the mountainside becomes a frightening ordeal as each has his own plans for the gold.
Hacia la oscuridad

Hacia la oscuridad

Apr 28, 2007
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
Joe La Crasse

Joe La Crasse

Apr 10, 2001
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
The One

The One

Nov 02, 2001
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
Mise à feu

Mise à feu

Aug 20, 1993
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
Le Mans 66

Le Mans 66

Nov 13, 2019
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
The Master

The Master

Sep 14, 2012
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3

Apr 18, 2013
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.


Jul 22, 2004
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.


Nov 26, 2010
About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.


Sep 24, 2016


About a kidnapped hostage's life, and the frustration his family, a special ops team, and a man in charge of delivering the ransom money all feel as they rush to save him.
Night Orchid

Night Orchid

Nov 03, 1997
Clay Doyle, a drifter haunted by the ability to see violent events from the past, wanders into a small Florida town and falls in love with the ethereal Sarah Miller, despite increasingly disturbing visions of murder and decay.
La Cité des Anges

La Cité des Anges

Apr 10, 1998
Clay Doyle, a drifter haunted by the ability to see violent events from the past, wanders into a small Florida town and falls in love with the ethereal Sarah Miller, despite increasingly disturbing visions of murder and decay.
Ils sont parmi nous

Ils sont parmi nous

May 14, 2004
In a mythical kingdom, a young boy must fight time for the love of his princess and the future of his land.
Les Experts

Les Experts

Feb 15, 2015
À Las Vegas, un groupe d'experts scientifiques de la police recueille des indices sur les scènes de crime pour résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Un temps conduite par Gil Grissom, un entomologiste qui garde toujours son sang-froid, l'équipe enchaîne les affaires délicates : meurtres sanglants, viols, disparitions, leur taux d'efficacité est impressionnant. D.B. Russell, qui prend la suite des opérations après le départ de Gil Grissom et l'intérim de Raymond Langston, tente de maintenir la réputation d'excellence du service.
Star Trek : Enterprise
Au XXIIième siècle (de 2151 à 2161), avant l'existence de la Fédération, le capitaine Jonathan Archer reçoit le commandement de l’Enterprise (NX-01), premier vaisseau spatial humain équipé de la Distorsion 5 et envoyé par Starfleet pour explorer la galaxie.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy

May 30, 2024
Meredith Grey, fille d'un chirurgien très réputé, commence son internat de première année en médecine chirurgicale dans un hôpital de Seattle. La jeune femme s'efforce de maintenir de bonnes relations avec ses camarades internes, mais dans ce métier difficile la compétition fait rage.


May 21, 2006
Les trois sœurs Halliwell découvrent qu'elles descendent d'une famille de sorcières et doivent apprendre à se servir de leurs pouvoirs magiques afin de lutter contre le mal et les démons qui veulent les détruire afin de s'approprier leurs pouvoirs.


Aug 14, 2022
À Westworld, un parc d'attractions dernier cri, les visiteurs paient des fortunes pour revivre le frisson de la conquête de l'Ouest. Dolores, Teddy et bien d'autres sont des androïdes à apparence humaine créés pour donner l'illusion et offrir du dépaysement aux clients. Pour ces derniers, Westworld est l'occasion de laisser libre-cours à ses fantasmes. Cet univers bien huilé est mis en péril lorsqu'à la suite d'une mise à jour, quelques robots commencent à adopter des comportements imprévisibles, voire erratiques. En coulisses, l'équipe, qui tire les ficelles de ce monde alternatif, s'inquiète de ces incidents de plus en plus nombreux. Les enjeux du programme Westworld étant énormes, la Direction ne peut se permettre une mauvaise publicité qui ferait fuir ses clients. Que se passe-t-il réellement avec les androïdes ré-encodés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Apr 16, 2018
Le ministère de l'Intérieur engage un génie et son équipe hétéroclite de prodiges pour protéger la nation d'une nouvelle génération sophistiquée de terroristes.
Action & Adventure