Henriikka Salo

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Sep 25, 2006
A TV movie by Mikko Mattila.
Last cowboy standing

Last cowboy standing

Sep 04, 2009
En Finlande dans les années soixante-dix, Rupert et Evert sont deux frères à l'imagination débordante. Malgré une mère instable, leur père fait tout pour que leur enfance soit la plus heureuse possible. Un jour, leur mère quitte le domicile et est très vite remplacée par une nouvelle femme qu'ils n'apprécient pas. Entre crise de larmes et tensions, Rupert va tenter l'impossible pour préserver l'équilibre familial.


Oct 31, 1997
Eevi's life isn't going the way she would want it to, so she runs away, leaving destruction in her wake. No one will ever say no to her again.
Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

Mar 08, 2007
The end of the 80s, a village in the middle of Finland. 15-year-old Hevari, the only long-haired boy in town, is the coolest guy in the world - at least according to Kake from next door. No-one else seems to agree. Short-tempered Hevari is used to being the laughing stock among the gang and the girls. But when the Friday night comes and there's a disco at the community hall, it's time to go again. Maybe tonight everything will be different.
Säädyllinen murhenäytelmä
In the 1930s, middle-aged museum curator Tauno Saarinen yearns for a young beautiful maid and writes a lengthy confession about his feelings which he gives his wife Elisabet to read. Elisabet shows the writings to her husband's sister Naimi, an art critic who tries to reconcile with her ex-husband despite a spiteful mother-in-law. Meanwhile, things gets worse between Tauno and Elisabet when the young maid, seduced by Tauno, becomes pregnant. Based on a novel by Helvi Hämäläinen, first published in 1941 but partly censored until 1995 because allegedly based on true incidents involving well-known people.


Sep 29, 1992
This very serious drama, based on a true incident, explores the unremitting labor which put a young mother living in rural isolation into the situation of being charged with having thrown her children down a well. Her husband is an unimaginative, work-obsessed man who cannot see that her constant hard work without any support or sympathy from anyone is driving the sensitive woman to consider suicide. When the loutish fellow discovers that his wife and three children are missing, he calls the police, and a manhunt begins. The police discover the oldest boy alive, and find that the mother tried to drown herself, but has survived. The two younger children remained missing.
Tous les chats sont gris
Mikael est un juge respecté et un père exigeant. Lorsque l’hypnotique Tilda, sa fille issue d’un premier mariage, réapparaît, l’équilibre familial est totalement bouleversé. Dani, le fils aîné de Mikael et de cette première épouse, découvre alors sa sœur qu’il n’a jamais connu. Une grande complicité s’installe rapidement entre les deux adolescents, au grand dam de leur père qui ne comprend pas leur relation, allant jusqu’à imaginer le pire...
Team Ahma

Team Ahma

Jun 27, 2007
Stories about things that happen in the line of duty to two good friends working in the volunteer road service.