Ashok, a farmer's son, struggles to become an entrepreneur to win over his childhood sweetheart. Heartbroken, he joins the Make In India initiative to go against Chinese products.
Au cœur des ruelles bondées d’une petite ville de l’Inde, la vie secrète de quatre femmes à la recherche d’un
peu de liberté. Bien que réprimées et piégées dans leur monde, elles revendiquent leurs désirs par de petits actes de courage.
A 13-year-old Londoner visits his hometown in India for the first time and develops a deep crush on his rebellious cousin sister. His pursuit of her peels back the ugly layers of patriarchy and classism that pervade the culture of his traditional Muslim family.
Un étranger dans la ville pose des questions que personne n'a posées auparavant. Connu seulement par ses initiales, les questions innocentes de PK et sa curiosité enfantine vont l'emmener dans un voyage où se mêleront l'amour et les rires.
A group of "friends" and "misfits", who had formed a popular yet short-lived youth theatre group, reunite for the first time after seven years on an eventful Durga Pujo night at their old rehearsal space, a bungalow which is about to be converted into Kolkata's first five-star heritage hotel by the Ganges.
Des conseils d'administration aux marges de la société, cinq femmes ambitieuses d'origines diverses naviguent entre rêves et déceptions dans le Mumbai d'aujourd'hui.
A heart-warming tale of an estranged family struggling to deal with their troubled past and unresolved conflicts. What will happen when the siblings gather under one roof for Diwali?
Unsaid desires. Tabooed Fantasies. Saucy roleplays. Haven’t we all thought about them? From joining the mile-high club to giving in to the cop fantasy, it’s time to unleash your hidden desires! The story showcases the delight in modern relationships that dare to explore their deepest and quirkiest desires.
Ultra Shorts presents What's Your Status, a web series of 3 different people, going through the 3 different phases of relationships - single, committed and married.
Dhruv and Amrita, potential marriage partners, decided to live together before the wedding to test their compatibility. As they spend time together, the question arises that whether they develop romantic feelings between them.