Евгений Березовский

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Haute tension à Moscou
Un diplomate à la retraite et d'un détective NYPD en quête de justice, poursuivre un meurtrier psychotique à Moscou. Lorsque le détective est blessé et Diplomat est arrêté, ils sont affectés à être expulsé par un capitaine de police russe, qui devient un complice peu probable dans leur revanche sur un nucléaire courtier international sur le marché noir des armes.


Jun 06, 2008
Alexandre Koltchak (1874 -1920) était officier de marine et océanographe, il a participé à plusieurs expéditions polaires pour l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, une île porte son nom. Après ses exploits militaires pendant la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905, il participe à la rénovation de la flotte russe et est nommé vice-amiral en 1916. Après la Révolution d'octobre il devient ministre de la guerre du gouvernement anti-bolchevique créé à Omsk. En décembre 1918 (et donc après l'exécution de Nicolas II), il est nommé Commandant suprême de la Russie. En janvier 1920 il est livré aux bolcheviks et fusillé. Sa maîtresse, Anna Vassilievna Timiriova, qui avait 19 ans de moins que lui, lui a survécu 55 ans.
Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами
While digging one of the many tunnels for the Moscow metro, Soviet workers unearth ruins of a dungeon. The site is closed, the metro tunnel is diverted, and amidst the bustle no one notices the tunnel workers’ foreman pocketing a little ‘souvenir’ – a book-sized frame made of precious metals featuring an inscription in an unknown language. Decades later, the foreman’s grandson Ilya, who works as a courier, discovers the ancient relic in a pile of old junk. Oblivious to the true value of the family heirloom, he soon learns about it from a mysterious stranger. The relic is the key to the secret location of the priceless ancient library that belonged to Ivan the Terrible. What Ilya doesn’t know is that the search for the lost library has been going on for centuries, and now very powerful people are after him. Ilya and the mysterious stranger decide to try their luck in finding the library.
The One

The One

Jun 09, 2022
En août 1981, Larisa et Vladimir Savitsky, jeunes mariés, embarquent pour un vol entre Komsomolsk-sur-l'Amour et Blagovechtchensk, en Union soviétique. À seulement trente minutes de l'atterrissage, leur avion entre en collision avec un bombardier soviétique, et se désintègre. Contre toute attente, Larisa survit. Seule au milieu des débris, elle se retrouve perdue dans l'immensité sauvage de la taïga.


Feb 22, 2024
A boy from a remote Ural village, who grew up without a father in a large family, managed not only to survive the hardships of a wartime childhood and post-war devastation, but also to become at the origins of the creation of the Group A anti-terrorist unit, which would later become known as the Alpha Group.
Footballeuses à tout prix
Les joueuses d'une équipe de football féminine ont perdu plusieurs matchs, leur club se trouve en difficulté financière et elles viennent de perdre leur coach. Faisant preuve de courage et d'un esprit d'équipe hors pair, elles devront se battre pour leur passion et pour retrouver le chemin de la victoire.


Oct 01, 1990
In the early 70-ies during the war in the middle East, the plane of the Soviet military pilot Oleg Zorov was shot down. The officer was still alive but in an unconscious state was captured. After his recovery, the Americans granted him political asylum. Twenty years Zorov, who became Alex Fred Kelly, worked for the CIA. And now, years later, he returns home, where he left his sister and beloved woman…
Розы для Эльзы
She is 17 years old, she is romantic and dreams of a prince on a white horse, completely not guided in the real world. In addition, her name is Elsa ... The story of how some small and seemingly insignificant act can cause a real avalanche of catastrophes and personal misfortunes.
Граница: Таежный роман
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
Легенда Феррари
After the unsuccessful attempt on the life of Baron Wrangel and the death of an intelligence agent, a new cunning plan is being developed to implement the "Crimean Mission". The best agent, Elena Golubovskaya, is appointed to this case. In Crimea, Golubovskaya appears already as El Ferrari - a gifted Italian poet. Her task is to eliminate Wrangel in order to demoralize the white movement, as well as control the operation to steal gold. Her plans are thwarted by Maximilian Ermler, a local newspaper journalist who turns out to be a British intelligence agent.
Action & Adventure
Sometimes it seems to parents that their child has been replaced... and two Ivanov families from the south of Russia are simply sure of this: after 16 years, namesakes will find out that their children were confused in the maternity hospital. What if your beloved son is not really your own, but your blood is being raised by strangers? And in a luxury that you never even dreamed of. And how will he accept his new, but painfully poor relatives?