Lorsque son entreprise de ménage exclusivement masculine devient incontrôlable, une femme mûre doit embrasser sa propre sexualité, si elle veut se refaire une vie.
Down and out in the mean streets of Girrawheen, Western Australia, jobless, man-less, aimless Tasha Scrimegour is forced to 'chick up' to sort herself out, and face her enemies (namely Centrelink and an egotistical MMA fitness center owner/energy drink entrepreneur).
EUDAEMONIA is a film about a serendipitous and fleeting moment of human connection. Amy is a poverty-stricken artist and tattooist in the midst of a downward spiral grappling with chronic isolation and meaninglessness in New York City. Cara is a wealthy, young backpacker with self-sabotaging tendencies who’s been traveling for a year, running from family pressures. They meet accidentally when Cara gets locked out the night before her flight and proceeds to accidentally break into the wrong apartment. Amy and Cara’s initial differences gradually subside over the course of the evening. The story pivots around this brief exchange – a simple conversation from which both women emerge changed.
Une étrange météorite s'écrase dans le désert Australien non loin d'une petite bourgade. Les habitants commencent à changer de comportement, un mal insidieux semble s'être emparé d'eux.
Quand une mystérieuse inconnue sauve la vie de sa fillette mordue par un crotale, une mère célibataire doit payer sa dette en tuant quelqu'un avant le coucher du soleil.
Dark Water focuses on the narrative of a deep-sea environment that unexpectedly manifests in the walls of a grieving women's suburban dwelling; an impossible, flooded inner-architecture. It... »
Confronted by the coincidence of seeing each other in such a secluded diner, on the same night as their one-night stand, Chris and Susie connect over their motives for being there: to celebrate, to reminisce, to grieve... And the service.
Follows the unlikely friendship between Aboriginal student Cara and bigoted 82-year-old Molly, who are thrown together by a pensioner-student affordable living scheme.