Luc Sicard

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Au pied du mur

Au pied du mur

Jan 01, 2019
In 1963, the Faubourg district in M'lasse was destroyed for the construction of the Radio-Canada tower. A photographer was then hired to immortalize the neighborhood. Halfway between documentary and fiction, Au pied du mur takes up this premise and updates it. The film follows a city employee entering the privacy of the people of a Montreal neighborhood in order to capture one last time what will soon have to be destroyed.


Apr 25, 2014
Carole Laganière dives deeply into personal territory in this beautifully crafted exploration of absence and loss and its painful effect on daily lives. Inspired by her mother’s steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and the inevitability of her estrangement, Laganière weaves their story with the stories of others wrestling with loss: Ines, an immigrant who returns to her birth country of Croatia to find the mother who abandoned her during the war; Deni, an American author who’s finally able to search for his Quebec roots; and Nathalie, who’s desperately looking for her missing sister. Through their experiences the film ponders how absence is often the catalyst for a quest—a quest for information, understanding and often acceptance. Through its many voices, Absences speaks to us of the immense fragility and resiliency of human emotions.


Apr 25, 2014
Carole Laganière dives deeply into personal territory in this beautifully crafted exploration of absence and loss and its painful effect on daily lives. Inspired by her mother’s steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and the inevitability of her estrangement, Laganière weaves their story with the stories of others wrestling with loss: Ines, an immigrant who returns to her birth country of Croatia to find the mother who abandoned her during the war; Deni, an American author who’s finally able to search for his Quebec roots; and Nathalie, who’s desperately looking for her missing sister. Through their experiences the film ponders how absence is often the catalyst for a quest—a quest for information, understanding and often acceptance. Through its many voices, Absences speaks to us of the immense fragility and resiliency of human emotions.
Ça sent la coupe

Ça sent la coupe

Feb 24, 2017
Carole Laganière dives deeply into personal territory in this beautifully crafted exploration of absence and loss and its painful effect on daily lives. Inspired by her mother’s steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and the inevitability of her estrangement, Laganière weaves their story with the stories of others wrestling with loss: Ines, an immigrant who returns to her birth country of Croatia to find the mother who abandoned her during the war; Deni, an American author who’s finally able to search for his Quebec roots; and Nathalie, who’s desperately looking for her missing sister. Through their experiences the film ponders how absence is often the catalyst for a quest—a quest for information, understanding and often acceptance. Through its many voices, Absences speaks to us of the immense fragility and resiliency of human emotions.


Jan 16, 2004
Carole Laganière dives deeply into personal territory in this beautifully crafted exploration of absence and loss and its painful effect on daily lives. Inspired by her mother’s steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and the inevitability of her estrangement, Laganière weaves their story with the stories of others wrestling with loss: Ines, an immigrant who returns to her birth country of Croatia to find the mother who abandoned her during the war; Deni, an American author who’s finally able to search for his Quebec roots; and Nathalie, who’s desperately looking for her missing sister. Through their experiences the film ponders how absence is often the catalyst for a quest—a quest for information, understanding and often acceptance. Through its many voices, Absences speaks to us of the immense fragility and resiliency of human emotions.
Un ange à la mer

Un ange à la mer

Feb 03, 2009
Carole Laganière dives deeply into personal territory in this beautifully crafted exploration of absence and loss and its painful effect on daily lives. Inspired by her mother’s steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and the inevitability of her estrangement, Laganière weaves their story with the stories of others wrestling with loss: Ines, an immigrant who returns to her birth country of Croatia to find the mother who abandoned her during the war; Deni, an American author who’s finally able to search for his Quebec roots; and Nathalie, who’s desperately looking for her missing sister. Through their experiences the film ponders how absence is often the catalyst for a quest—a quest for information, understanding and often acceptance. Through its many voices, Absences speaks to us of the immense fragility and resiliency of human emotions.
Sylvie à l'école

Sylvie à l'école

Oct 17, 2018
Sylvie Giroux doesn’t have kids, but every year, from September to June, about 10 teenagers aged 16 to 21 add a bit of magic to her life. These youngsters suffer from autism, Down syndrome, dyspraxia, severe anxiety and intellectual handicaps.
Le Rang du lion

Le Rang du lion

Oct 30, 2015
After meeting about a month ago, Alex and Jade fall for each other hard. When she invites him to join her in the country with some friends, including her cousin Oliver, he leaps at the chance. But what Jade has failed to make clear is that they will be sharing with other young guests who are all members of a commune led by Gabriel, a former college professor obsessed with Nietzsche. Alex, who has been soul-searching since he quit studying economics, soon realizes that Gabriel is a bona fide guru who has turned his magnificent house into what he calls a “laboratory of the real,” where pretence, prejudice, taboos and morality are banned. (FNC)
Pieds nus dans l'aube

Pieds nus dans l'aube

Oct 27, 2017
After meeting about a month ago, Alex and Jade fall for each other hard. When she invites him to join her in the country with some friends, including her cousin Oliver, he leaps at the chance. But what Jade has failed to make clear is that they will be sharing with other young guests who are all members of a commune led by Gabriel, a former college professor obsessed with Nietzsche. Alex, who has been soul-searching since he quit studying economics, soon realizes that Gabriel is a bona fide guru who has turned his magnificent house into what he calls a “laboratory of the real,” where pretence, prejudice, taboos and morality are banned. (FNC)
Un goût amer

Un goût amer

Oct 16, 2024
Dana, a server, covers for her brother Jayden to serve Mr. Boucher, a regular. But what should have been a routine brunch shift turns into something quite different.

Jan 01, 2016

Karl, Max et leur ami Yvon voient leur destin à jamais bouleversé lorsqu’ils font la découverte d’un sac contenant une arme à feu et beaucoup d’argent! Prenant la décision de conserver le butin de 2,6 millions, ils seront propulsés dans un monde auquel ils n’appartiennent pas, pris malgré eux dans une course aux millions avec le crime organisé.

Feb 21, 2019

À 18 ans, Sophie tombe amoureuse d’un jeune homme au charisme envoûtant. Dès lors, rien n’est plus important pour elle que de passer du temps avec cet amoureux qui se révélera être un bourreau intraitable ne la laissant partir qu’au terme d’un combat inégal et dévastateur qui durera près de 3 ans. Inspiré du récit à succès écrit et vécu par Ingrid Falaise, Le monstre se veut l’adaptation télévisuelle d’une histoire bouleversante, tout aussi poignante que captivante.

Feb 21, 2018


Nov 16, 2017

Rachel, criminologue, travaille dans un centre de semi-liberté. Avec ses collègues, elle accompagne quotidiennement des détenus en cours de réinsertion. Sa confrontation avec l’un des résidents va remettre en question sa routine de travail.

Nov 30, 2021

L’heure bleue c’est l’espoir de résilience d’un couple, c’est leur instinct de survie qui leur dicte des réactions totalement opposées. Elle fuit la pression de la réalité, lui s’accroche à ses responsabilités. Deux démarches, deux parcours qui s’affronteront dans une guerre sourde. Anne-Sophie choisit de changer complètement de vie. Tout éclate: là où elle vit, sa situation financière, sa vie amoureuse et sexuelle, son travail, son style de vie. Bernard, quant à lui, choisit l’inverse: il tiendra le fort et tentera de garder son équilibre, sa routine. Il a une maison, un commerce florissant, une ado de 16 ans et mille responsabilités. En cas de coup dur, on ferme les poings et on affronte. Mais cela a un prix fort. On risque de s’endurcir jusqu’à la démesure.

Oct 13, 2004

In the heart of Little Italy, Elena, a pretty and enthusiastic young woman, lives with her parents. Elena feels that she has everything she could hope for. Until she gets into an accident—and begins to want more… But finding herself is easier said than done.

May 27, 2022

L’auteur, poète et slammeur David Goudreault animera une nouvelle série documentaire dans laquelle il partira à la rencontre de personnes de différents horizons dont la vie a été changée par la littérature. Du monde, des mots sera diffusée à compter du 6 mai, à 21 h, sur les ondes d’ICI ARTV.